chrispee6 0 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 Hi EveryoneI decided to see if I could find a good forum for player gear and it looks like I found a winner here! :)Question for you all. What do you guys do to repair the holes in your palms? I've got a set of Easton gloves and the palms have a couple of areas that are starting to wear out but the rest is ok. I don't really wanna send them away to be repalmed, as I play about 3 times a week and can't be without them. I guess I can wait till the summer but is there anything I can do for a quick repair? I don't really need the whole palm replaced. A goalie buddy of mine said I could try the stuff that the PadSkinz company makes. He said it's nash palm stuff but with a sticky back. I checked it out on their site (PalmSkinz) and it looks good but I dunno. Has anyone here tried it before? Is there a better option other than getting my whole palm replaced? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mickz 107 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 I've done a patch recently with a 3x3cm piece of clarino I picked up from my LHS and a Speedy Stitcher. Took about 10 minutes. It should hold up for a few months before I decide to repalm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vet88 674 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 palmsaver is another option. guy I skate with who destroys his gloves within 3-4 months tried them and they lasted about 8 months. I've also given them to some keepers to repair their blockers and they worked well. It's not a nash palm feel but it will do the job for a small price. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 1, 2015 Thanks for the suggestions! The palmsaver looks cool too. Since the palmskinz guy is in Canada, I might go with them since the other stuff has to come from the US. By the time the exchange rate kicks in, it'll be about the same price and I'd rather give the business to a Canadaian company. For $20, you can only go so wrong, LOL. Plus palmskinz seems to use real nash. I'll post back here once I have a chance to try it. Looks interesting and might keep me from getting new palms. Again, thanks for the feedback. Awesome forum! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gosinger 122 Report post Posted February 1, 2015 I've got some PalmSkinz (the nash and the digi-grip ones) on my gloves, great material and solid on the duration so far. A little thicker than expected, but still good feel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2015 Thanks gosinger. I ordered some of the palmskinz off their website last night and I expect to have it in a few days. I'll give some thoughts once I receive it. Good to know someone has used it and is happy with it. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TPRO 1 Report post Posted February 2, 2015 The Palmsaver brand is pre-cut to the shape of the palm and fingers. You need to order appropriately as left or right if you are only repairing one glove. The Palmskinz repair in their photo does not look as clean. It appears as a bunch of patches while the Palmsaver photo looks to be a cleaner full recovering. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2015 ya TPRO, the palmskinz stuff comes as a square apparently and you have to do the cutting. That's probably why it doesn't look as clean in the pics. I like that the palmsaver is precut but I like that the palmskinz stuff is made out of REAL nash and also, I have a couple of spots on my gloves that need to be special cut so the pre-cut palm shape doesn't really help me. Plus again, I like to support the Canadian guys. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Davetronz 109 Report post Posted February 4, 2015 palmsaver is another option. guy I skate with who destroys his gloves within 3-4 months tried them and they lasted about 8 months. I've also given them to some keepers to repair their blockers and they worked well. It's not a nash palm feel but it will do the job for a small price.I saw these for the first time about 2-3 weeks back. I was originally worried about their durability, or them falling right off. Glad to hear that they're sounding somewhat durable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 4, 2015 Update: Got my Palmskinz in the mail today!I must say that my initial impression is: WOW!This stuff looks awesome. It comes as a square piece so you can custom cut whatever pieces you need. I like this because I don't have to buy for each hand, I can just custom cut what I need no matter what hand it goes on. Also, this is REAL nash palm material, the exact same that's used on glove palms. I've read online that the palmsaver uses some thin synthetic material. Anyways, this stuff is the real deal and the back is SUPER sticky. It looks like this stuff will hold up for a LONG time. They say that they have 16 NHL teams using the stuff so it must work, LOL. I'm gonna start cutting the pieces I need tonight and apply it. I'll post again here once I have a chance to use it. Hopefully it works as good as it looks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vet88 674 Report post Posted February 4, 2015 Palmsaver doesn't use a thin synthetic material. I can't comment on what the material is as I don't know but thin it definitely isn't. I'm very keen to see how you rate the palmskinz and how they hold up both for wear and stickability. I might just get some palmskinz in their different materials and see how they go. I have the perfect test subject who is a glove destroyer of the highest order (puts holes in the middle of palms inside of 3 months of use) so anything that makes his gloves last longer has got to be really good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yrhmblnr8r 69 Report post Posted February 4, 2015 For the record, I bought a lefty palmsaver and so far, I've only used pieces from the sheet. The kit is intended to be a full palm replacement with fingers but each of the pre-cut shapes is oversized and you've always got the remainders around their cuts. I patched gussets for a teammate and they've held well. If you're spot patching, the pre-cut thumb alone could be divided into several patches. Palmskinz would give you even more freedom, but Palmsaver doesn't restrict you much more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 5, 2015 Well, I applied the Palmskinz last night and seems to be holding well so far this morning. Gotta give it a couple of days to set according to the instructions. No biggie as I don't play again until the weekend. Seems like it would be SUPER durable in those high wear areas. It wasn't hard to apply at all, just have to cut the shapes you need. A little talcum or baby powder inside the glove takes the stickiness away from the inside. So far, I'm very impressed but I'll post again once I have a chance to get on the ice with it. It may stick well now but let's see what it does after a session on the ice. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 7, 2015 Just to update this, I'm playing later today and will update on how the Palmskinz product holds up. Since I put it on a few days ago, it seems like it's on there really good and is not gonna come off. Can't wait to try my gloves tonight with no palm holes! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 8, 2015 Alright people, I had my first try with the Palmskinz stuff yesterday during a pickup game and I need to tell everyone...GO GET THIS STUFF NOW!!!!I am SO IMPRESSED with this stuff! I hate having to get new gloves when my palms wear out and with this Palmskinz stuff, I no longer have that concern. I used some large patches of it on my palms where it had worn a few holes through my palms. It's thick enough that you know there's going to be some serious durability but not too thick. I played my first game with it last night over the high wear areas and it's still stuck down everywhere. There's no peeling or curling. It just works!While I haven't tried the other option out there, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND Palmskinz if you need to repair your glove palms. It's an amazing product that seems like it will last a very long time and keep you from having to get your palms re-palmed. You can find the product here:'ll continue to update this to see how well it lasts over time. So far though, I think it's going to last a very long time and this stuff is a winner! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 13, 2015 I've now used Palmskinz for a few ice sessions and no signs of coming off. This stuff works great so far! Will continue to update. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted February 22, 2015 Wanted to update this again for those that are interested (and since I started the thread in the first place, LOL). :)Been using Palmskinz now for a couple of weeks and I'm still very impressed. Nothing bad to say at all. It's staying stuck despite my sweaty hands and general abuse, as I put it in high wear areas of my gloves. I think this stuff is gonna last a long time. I still highly recommend it. Will post again after a month of use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrispee6 0 Report post Posted March 14, 2015 So just to update this, I've now played with the PalmSkinz stuff on my gloves for a few weeks and the stuff just works awesome. Not peeling off, just staying stuck. So nice not to have have holes in my palms any more!!! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smashy 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2017 chrispee6, thank you for the updates! This looks like the best and most cost effective way in Canada to patch the palm holes that inevitably wear through on my top hand. My bottom hand glove never wears out, I just get that one wear spot in my gloves from the butt end (even with some gentle grip material), so it would suck to have to buy new gloves or replace the whole palms. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marka 526 Report post Posted January 26, 2017 Howdy, So when you use this, does your hand stick to the adhesive through the holes? I'd love to patch the palm on my top glove that has a few 1/4" to 1/2" holes in it... Mark edit: Looks like Hockey Monkey used to carry it, but shows out of stock and not available now. Any other place in the US that has it? edit again: Looks like you can just order it direct, with no shipping charge. So... Done! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hills 717 Report post Posted January 26, 2017 It does stick, I think you can add baby powder to the inside and it will take away the tackiness of the adhesive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jazz4all 9 Report post Posted January 26, 2017 I bought my palmskinz from HM a few months ago. Haven't use it yet but, do i suppose to put some stitches too? Does the adhesive alone can hold up just fine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marka 526 Report post Posted February 3, 2017 Howdy, So far, so good... made a template out of paper, traced it onto the palmskinz, and stuck it on. Now I'm in the "wait 72 hours before using" period. It is sticky through the holes in the original palm, but the "stick" seems to be going down as I occasionally put my hand in to repress it all down like they say to do, so I don't think I'll mess with baby powder. Mark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marka 526 Report post Posted February 12, 2017 Howdy, And.... My update on palmskinz is basically to save your money. I've played in them twice now and the edges all the way around are either peeling a lot (1/4" to 1/2") or a little (1/16" to 1/8"). I think if you also sewed them around the edges they'd be fine, but that's pretty much not the point. Take it for what its worth. Mark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty22 834 Report post Posted February 12, 2017 The glowing review posts from ChrisPee6 always struck me as kind of shillish. 11 posts, all on this product and then never heard from again makes me somewhat suspect . With that said, Marka- was there anything about the palms that keep them from adhering properly? I recently repaired a quarter sized hole in the upper hand of my Eagles. I used a piece of leather from a pair of work gloves. Used Barge cement to hold them in place and stitched around the perimeter to keep it from peeling off. It's not going anywhere, and didn't cost me anything but time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites