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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What did you get?

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I got some tennis stuff (new racket, overgrips) and a Canadiens decorative piece to hang on the wall (it's framed and has the paintings of all the jerseys they had).

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clothes, GTA:SA, S.W.A.T. DVD, Bad Boys II DVD, GTA:SA strategy guide book, some money and thats it...my bro got NFSU:2 so we're set on videogames for along time..merry christmas..

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Half Life 2, GTA:SA, PS2 Network Adaptor, DVD Rewriter, bunch of DVD-R's and CD-R's, a pair of khakis, a Bauer 8000 helmet, 200 bucks cash, 75 dollar gift certificate to source for sports. I had a sick haul :o My rents went searching all around the city for the helmet, it was the last large bauer 8000 in basically every sports store in the city! Even though it's a large, I'm not sure if it's going to fit perfectly, so I might be taking it back. Gonna use the gift certificates + 50 bucks out of the 200 to buy a pair of Vapor XV gloves, then the rest is going in my bank.

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I got some DVD's and CD's, some cool model cars, a book, and I'm getting some new tires on my car because the ones I have on right now are really bad in the snow, not safe to drive in. I know my parents aren't in the best financial situation right now so thats why I didnt really ask for much. If they get me some new tires then I'd be more than happy, lol.

Have a great Christmas everyone.

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I got a Inno novuis 300 flex soft grip (white version), 2 TPS Brett Hull pro return blades, M-1 pants, a few hockey shirts and hoodies. I also got some DVD's and poker table with chips, and a leather jacket.

Merry Christmas all!


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I got a Bauer VI! It was an early present but still. Hah.

I got some local fair tickets, a new beanie, a new bass amp, some clothes, socks (favorite part of Christmas!), and white t's. I'm pretty set.

Merry Christmas!

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Nintendo DS w/ Mario 64 (so badass) and every imaginable accesory for it, clay poker chips, Maple Leafs sweatshirt, t shirt, skate towels, blanket, and toque (my mom really knows me well), a lot more clothes, lottery tickets, gift certificates and money from my aunts and uncles and stuff, and the title to my car that I've been driving (99 Infiniti QX4).

Speaking of the DS, my mom bought two extra ones, don't ask me why. If anybody is interested in getting one, PM me. Not looking to make a profit or anything on these, just unload them.

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Nirvana box set, T.V, GTA: SA, Clothes, Colonge, Game cube, Dub city Navigator, Simpsons third season, Spongebob second season and some candy canes.

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I only have 3 of my gifts today 'cause I'm waiting on my he950s and my new cell. But other than that I got a new iPod, one of those slick mach 3 power razors, and an l-2 from my mom. I guess I'm still waiting on girlfriend + relatives gifts.

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From My Parents/Grandparents

Red Star alloys (O yah!)

Redlite XN10 w/Messier x1 blade

Velvet Revolver/Postal Service CD's

2x $15 gift certificates to itunes

NHL 2005/Knights of the Old Republic II

Xbox live (someone come play me :D )

Lava lamp

Some other small things

Merry Christmas to all ;)

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hockey bag, 150 bucks, some lottery tickets i won 25$ on, clothes, romper stomper dvd and dodgeball dvd, and some other little things...ill prob buy another hockey stick w/ that 175 bucks i got

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ipod mini, nfsu2 (gonna own it on live!), family guy dvd (with out a doubt the best show on tv). and some other stuff. I've typed it out a billion times already. I guess i should just copy and paste it for now on.

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