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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Tongue Repair/Replacement question

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So the other day I went to a local shop that specializes in repairs in the massachusetts area.  I brought my skates in and they said they no longer do tongue repairs on skates that are bought at the store.  I said fine I respect that, can you recommend anything I could use to do the job at home.  They said super glue.  I bought some super and crazy glue from home depot and the glue didn't stick to the tongue.  My question is can anyone recommend or where to go or what to use to perform the tongue replacement?   Another shop, a cobbler perhaps.  If I can get the correct glue at home I'd like to do it there.

Thank you in advance


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I've heard of people getting skate repairs done at a shoe repairer. I've never had to do this myself, but I believe I've seen that on the forums a few times.

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5 hours ago, Monty22 said:

Use the search function on this site- there are several how to threads that walk through this step by step. 

I know how to do the process.  I was wondering what glue I could buy from a home depot, lowes, hardware store that would work best.  I used the gorilla super glue and it didnt work.  

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I've only used superglue to keep the tongues positioned in place for stitching.  I don't think glue alone would be a strong enough bond long term. 

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7 hours ago, bthompson1286 said:

.  My question is can anyone recommend or where to go or what to use to perform the tongue replacement?   Another shop, a cobbler perhaps.  If I can get the correct glue at home I'd like to do it there.


Not sure who you initially tried?  A cobbler could probably make short work of replacing a skate tongue.  You could also reach out to Cooke's in Wilmington or TSR in Salem NH to see if they can help you out.

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You need a suitable contact adhesive but even then it will struggle because of the materials it is binding to and its usage (getting constantly wet then dry). This is why glue and stitching is recommended.

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11 minutes ago, JR Boucicaut said:

I use the glue in the NASH video.  Pretty much rebranded superglue.

would gorilla glue work?  i'm trying to order some nash glue as well.  just trying to find if i can pick something up on my way home from work.  JR thanks for the reply

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I second the suggestion on the Nash glue. Get that and a speedy stitcher and after a few minutes of practice you could likely do the job yourself.

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The Nash glue works great. If you want to get something quick at home depot, I've had better luck with the super gel over the super glue. Like others have said I would still stitch the tongue on as well as glue

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