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Bauer OD1N Skates

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Heard some interesting news today amidst other fun facts developing in the skate industry. 


OD1Ns will be released, with a VH like customization to them.

Craziest part is, $1400 price tag... My God

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Are OD1Ns basically Vapors?  Or at least the same tech?  What is different about these skates?  And you can already get custom Bauers for about $1k.

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Heard something similar about Bauer but that the time frame to release was a few cycles away. Makes sense given the technology available and now with the True/VH competition.

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Has nothing to do with OD1N. 

The biggest advance in that skate was the holder. The boot was a lightened Vapor, hence why the boot was meant to last two weeks. 

Your "intel" was like a game of Telephone. Along the right path, but deviated off course. 

They're not there yet, but the first stage of the process will be this year. 

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28 minutes ago, JR Boucicaut said:

Has nothing to do with OD1N. 

The biggest advance in that skate was the holder. The boot was a lightened Vapor, hence why the boot was meant to last two weeks. 

Your "intel" was like a game of Telephone. Along the right path, but deviated off course. 

They're not there yet, but the first stage of the process will be this year. 

Yep. youre probably very right.  The shop owner quotes OD1N, but after you pointing out the point you did, it makes total sense.


My only big point i wanted to make in the post was the $1400 price.  This madness needs to stop. Feel like with this trend itll be harder to get normal human beings into hockey. sure, you dont have to have the best of the best as a kid, but these prices are getting intimidating.  

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I wish it was the evolution of the Mako (since they bought Easton) with custom options. Although I definitely wouldn't pay $1400. If the price is actually $1400 it better be pretty amazing when VH offers a full custom boot for $899.

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13 minutes ago, althoma1 said:

I wish it was the evolution of the Mako (since they bought Easton) with custom options. Although I definitely wouldn't pay $1400. If the price is actually $1400 it better be pretty amazing when VH offers a full custom boot for $899.

Its not so much whether or not I would pay $1400 for a pair of skates (which i wouldnt). Its more about what that inflation means for the industry. Say a parent looking to get their kids into hockey ans sees the scale of prices in the shop. If you see a single piece of equipment for 1400, youre going to sign your kid up for soccer.   


even as an adult buying equipment for myself, im extremely frustrated with how high prices have gotten

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2 hours ago, lmooney19 said:

even as an adult buying equipment for myself, im extremely frustrated with how high prices have gotten

Yeah, prices can be quite eye opening sometimes. 

For me, in the last few years, I found that keeping an eye on what's happening in the gear world can help me save a few bucks. When new models comes out, the old ones go on sale. Time it right and you can save save 30%-50% easy and still get what you want. I also found knowing a little bit can help to identify the one-time good deals that may pop up online or in local stores so you don't miss them. 

Unfortunately parents aren't always in the know, so all the high prices can be pretty intimidating even when they deal with really good sales associates. 

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