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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit, help please!

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I need new skates, but i have a tough time finding skates that fit my feet.. I live in a smallish city without any hockey store. Great skate Sweden is nearest, but still over 1200km away, so i'm stuck with ordering online... Luckily, most swedish online stores offer free returns so.. I'm going for mid-end skates since only playing 2 Times /week.

What used to fit me, isn't around any more.. Easton in EE width. I have a quite narrow heel, and a wide forefoot. Low arch, medium instep and bony ankles.. 

Vapors in D, fit nice in the heel, ankle, instep, but are waay to tight in the forefoot.

Nexus D, fit nice in the forefoot, but quite loose in the rest of the foot

Ribcore D, Wrong all around. To wide heel, to narrow forefoot and to shallow.

Jetspeed D, Same as Vapor D.. quite nice except for the forefoot.

I have yet to try on Tacks and Supreme. For some reason most swedish stores only stock mid-end tacks in EE width, and i'm afraid the heel will be to wide in those.

Even tough most stores offer free returns, it's getting quite annoying sending stuff back all the time.. 

Thanks in advance!

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When shopping for new skates, I skated in the current Supremes S190s and the Nexus N9000s. In Supremes I wore EEs and in the Nexus I wore Ds. The heels in the Supremes are narrower than than the Nexus. But the forefoot in Nexus Ds to me felt almost the same as the Supreme EEs

So maybe try a pair of Supreme EEs next.

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I also have a narrow heel and wide forefoot (my arch is average though); so a similar fit profile to what you describe. The Easton Mako line in EE is the best fitting retail skate I could find in the last several years. It's true they've been out of production for more than a year, but there are some floating out there in the wild that are either new or barely used. The sizing is of course limited, so if you can't find a pair of Mako M7, M8 or II's in your size then you'll have to look at other options. 

When trying on skates, I tried on the top models from all the major brands. Like you, I found the Nexus comfortable in the forefoot, but too wide in the heel and midfoot. The Vapors and Jetspeeds have narrow heels, but aren't wide in the forefoot (the Jetspeeds actually felt narrower than the Vapors to me). For me, the Supremes in EE still felt tight in the forefoot and a bit too loose in the heel (better than the Nexus though).

The only current retail skates that seemed close to fitting were EE Supertacks - they provided a great heel lock, however; they were still too tight for me in the forefoot. This was without baking and my forefoot is extremely wide; if your forefoot isn't quite as wide as mine then the current Tacks series may work for you. I'd compare the forefoot to a Supreme, but feel that the Supertacks offered a much better heel lock in EE than the Supremes. I would say trying a current model mid-range Tacks skate in EE wouldn't be a bad idea. 


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Thanks för the replys guys.. Gonna order a few different pairs this time, sending back everything that doesn't fit..

I see many compare The supreme to jetspeeds, though the jetspeeds has narrower heel.. Does the same go with EE width? Similar fit to supremes, with narrower heel? 

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22 minutes ago, vinprun71 said:

Vapor EE could solve your problem.

Is the heel in EE vapors really that narrow? Or has the fit changed in vapors?  Cause i had Bauer Vapor XIX in 8EE like 10 years ago and had some major heel slippage..

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The EE Vapor heel is narrower than the Supreme EE heel and the Nexus D and EE heel. It's the narrowest heel in the Bauer lineup and a EE Vapor may work for you if it's wide enough in the toe box and forefoot or you don't mind punching or stretching them in that area. For my feet, the current Tacks line provided a better heel lock, but that's subjective. Ordering Tacks and Vapors in EE from a site with a generous return policy isn't a bad place to start though. 

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1 hour ago, swede said:

I see many compare The supreme to jetspeeds, though the jetspeeds has narrower heel.. Does the same go with EE width? Similar fit to supremes, with narrower heel? 

To me the Jetspeeds felt closer to Vapor skates than Supremes. The new Tacks were closer to Supremes, but with better heel lock. 

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Agree on the Vapor EE suggestion.  I have a wide forefoot and narrow heel as well.  Vapor EE was my first skates.  Heel lock was pretty good.  Then I went on a quest for incredible heel lock.  Part of me wishes I just stuck with the Vapors.  I've heard promising things about the Tacks as well.  Since you are in EU, might see if you can get your hands on some Grafs as well.  I'm in a pair of 535 wides.  Narrowest heel I have found,  Fit my feet great.  My only issue is the boot is pretty soft compared to others and it has highlighted other issues in my mechanics.  Graf 735 (and related 535, 335, etc.) might be good, as well as the G75 Lite or the new Peakspeed skates (updated version of the 735 fit). 

I couldn't get Supremes to work for my heel.  The new Ribcor sounds promising as well if you feel like waiting until later this summer. 

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Just based upon what you've been saying about how you have a narrow heel, it just makes sense to go with the boot that has the narrowest heel but then get a wider size to assist with the forefoot issue. Nothing is ever 100% certain, but it seems the Vapor EE will put you a step in the right direction. You could even swing a Jetspeed EE possibly.

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Maybe wait for the CCM Ribcore line to come out this summer. They're supposed to adapt to any foot, wide or narrow. I have a narrow heel, but my forefoot is average, so the CCM Jetspeed FT1's fit me perfect. No heel slippage at all. The heel lock is unreal. 

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23 hours ago, vinprun71 said:

Vapor EE could solve your problem.

That is my suggestion too. I tried Vapor, Supreme and Nexus skates recently. The Nexus is deep, with a wide ankle and toe. The Vapor is shallow with a narrow ankle. The Supreme is in between. So on that basis, the Vapor EE sounds like it might fit. You can see schematics on the Bauer web site. Incidentally I have UK size 9 shoes, and size 7EE Supreme skates.

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5 minutes ago, Leif said:

That is my suggestion too. I tried Vapor, Supreme and Nexus skates recently. The Nexus is deep, with a wide ankle and toe. The Vapor is shallow with a narrow ankle. The Supreme is in between. So on that basis, the Vapor EE sounds like it might fit. You can see schematics on the Bauer web site. Incidentally I have UK size 9 shoes, and size 7EE Supreme skates.

To your point, each skate has it's own unique fit. I feel like the most important aspect moving from one skate to another is depth. That's the sole reason I personally moved from Vapor to Supreme. Lacebite sucks! Given that's not the OP's reason for moving boots, the EE choice should help.

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Ended up with Mako M8's in EE.. Incredible fit out of the box, and now after baking, like a second skin. No preassure points at all.. I thought i had a winner in Supreme 180's (EE), but they were no way near the Mako's in fit..

Anyone know if the CXN holder share the rivet pattern with Tuuk's?

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2 hours ago, swede said:

Ended up with Mako M8's in EE.. Incredible fit out of the box, and now after baking, like a second skin. No preassure points at all.. I thought i had a winner in Supreme 180's (EE), but they were no way near the Mako's in fit..

Anyone know if the CXN holder share the rivet pattern with Tuuk's?

Congrats.  Then your heel isn't that narrow.  I loved the fit of the Makos everywhere except the heel, still too wide for me.  If it works for you, that is awesome.  I really wish I could have gotten them to work for me, 

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4 hours ago, dimpledballs said:

How would you compare the mako fit compared to the ccm and Bauer lines? In terms of length,width,and depth. 

One Word, Wierd!!.. It's totally different from anything else. No negative space at all.. For me, it was like heat fitted out of the box.. Fit-wise, it's most similar to supreme, then Jetspeed.. though the mako is much lower cut.. It's really hard to describe. You have to try it on.

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