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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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found an amazingly funny picture.

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He does play.

He was supposed to play with Chadd's Sunday pickup group earlier last year, but he got hurt and backed out.

We all had to submit to background checks.

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He does play.

He was supposed to play with Chadd's Sunday pickup group earlier last year, but he got hurt and backed out.

We all had to submit to background checks.

Find any skeletons? *L*

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The Hockey News had a huge article about him and the sport of hockey. Despite his love for the game and promise to end the lockout, I still voted against him :D.

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He's old school too...Woodie!

My assistant coach used an old Torspo woodie. It's like really old, no reinforcements what so ever. Too bad it broke in the last game.

That sherwood looks brand new model compared to that.

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I watched a segment on "Cold Pizza" about him playing hockey once. It had one of the guys he played with at Yale on there. He said something like "John wasn't the most gifted player by any means, but he always tried." It sounded like it was just a nice way of saying he sucked.

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i was acually at one of the games he played in, it was at the JFK colesium in manchester NH. i think he played in college. he wasnt bad for not haveing played in a few years probably. this game was back at like a rally before they had picked a democratic candidate. he acually had like 3 goals.

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