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The Athletic -- Worth it?

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How's The Athletic for hockey coverage, both in terms of general interest / national stories as well as local team coverage (Pens is who I'd be interested in)?  Worth $36/year or whatever it is?


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Not sure about local coverage but for national I’ve been considering it as I really like Siegel and mirtle’s writing. Lebrun is also there now too I think. I just don’t read a ton of sports news which is why I’m still on the fence. Pretty much everything I need I can get from TSN.ca

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I subscribe to it and got some kind of silly deal for like $30 a year or something like that. I still haven't dug deep into it yet as I only have the attention span to read so much sports news before I start looking at something else. To me, it's worth it just so I can read articles without popups, auto-play videos, and other clickbait. I can't attest to its value yet just for hockey news but as a whole, if you follow other sports then it definitely is worth it. I can get in-depth general hockey news along with Blackhawks, Bears, and Cubs coverage at one site without the BS so to me, it's worth it for my needs.

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I've been loving my subscription. The writing staff is very impressive for almost every team and they're expanding to soccer and CFB as well. Not having ads is awesome and the mobile app is good too. They run a lot of sales (like Scott said, I got mine for $36 at the start of the MLB season), and existing users have a 25% referral code [can PM it to you if interested].

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Just joined last week when they ran a 50% off promo. So far, so good. I'm finally able to enjoy Justin Bourne and Katie Strang's work again. I can only imagine the content will get better as the season gets going.

As an Oilers fan, it's tough to get good coverage of the team, so that is what I'll be weighing the worth of my money on. I like the frequency and the quality of the Oilers articles I've read so far though.

Long story short, if you can get it at a price you can live with, give it a whirl. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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I joined back at the beginning of the month.

I'm pretty happy with it.  I imagine I could get similar articles for free if I searched around enough, but the "good to crap" ratio is really strong on The Athletic, they seem to cover lots of stuff I care about in hockey, and its easy.

Worth the $40/year or whatever it was to me!


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I just cancelled my subscription. The articles (and authors) are really good, but I've found that I never end up reading anything these days. That's more on me than on them. 

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On 2/13/2019 at 12:36 PM, IPv6Freely said:

I just cancelled my subscription. The articles (and authors) are really good, but I've found that I never end up reading anything these days. That's more on me than on them. 

I forget that I have it then I'll binge read a bunch of articles on it, especially non-topical ones when I have a slow day at work and then forget about it again for a while.

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