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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  LChockey24 said:
  brodeur_rox said:

and large red Crocs.

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are you a guy?

i really dont see any men wearing crocs around here.

i have a pair, and i love them, but they are kind of girly arent they?

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says the 'guy' with the pink laces.

1. they are not "girly"

2. the flames use them, Ovechkin uses them.

3.^^those aren't the only guys a lot of NHLers use them.

4. What you're basically saying is that Iginla, and Ovechkin are "girly", if that is your definition of "girly" then, hey now i'm not here to judge, but that definition is incorrect.

5.I don't use them all the time just for Judo, and if I'm going outside quick.

Judo= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs_Ohp-j0zA&eurl=.

6. I am indeed a guy.




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  brodeur_rox said:
  LChockey24 said:
  brodeur_rox said:

and large red Crocs.

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are you a guy?

i really dont see any men wearing crocs around here.

i have a pair, and i love them, but they are kind of girly arent they?

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says the 'guy' with the pink laces.

1. they are not "girly"

2. the flames use them, Ovechkin uses them.

3.^^those aren't the only guys a lot of NHLers use them.

4. What you're basically saying is that Iginla, and Ovechkin are "girly", if that is your definition of "girly" then, hey now i'm not here to judge, but that definition is incorrect.

5.I don't use them all the time just for Judo, and if I'm going outside quick.

Judo= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs_Ohp-j0zA&eurl=.

6. I am indeed a guy.




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Wait. You're a guy?

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does anyone here have heelys?

me and a couple of my freinds got them to joke around with at the mall. they are fun to goof around with. it porbably was a waste of 50$, but i got them anyways....

i got introuble at the mall twice and at kohls for riding around on them.

anyways, is it possible to remove the bearings in the wheels?

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  mack said:
Wow. I don't see Heelys on anyone over the age of 10.
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lol. thats why i only wear them to places that my freinds wear them to also. i think they are for younger kids, but when a bunch of people your age get them, you might as well buy em too. they are fun to play around on. i war my 20+ other shoes that are age appropriate out in public..mostly.

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You must have a lot of feet if you rotate that amount of shoes with any frequency.

I'm going to take my two shoes and find an Excedrin, you are absogoddamnlutely killing me.

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  mack said:
You must have a lot of feet if you rotate that amount of shoes with any frequency.

I'm going to take my two shoes and find an Excedrin, you are absogoddamnlutely killing me.

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lol, suprisingly i only have 2 feet.

i rotate the shoes like every day. today im wearing nike shox that are 2 years old and look brand new!

and i have a shoe fetish, wich is common for a girl.

and im adding to the collection next month around my b-day!

sorry that im babsogoddamnlutely killing you.

jr, the stores around here carry heelys up to like a size 13!!

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  JR Boucicaut said:
I don't know how you do it. I have two pair of sneakers, and a pair of all-white adidas for when I wants to get ill.
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lol, my dad hates it when i come home with new shoes..lol

i just love buying shoes, that is all i spend my money on.

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Other than dress shoes I think I only have ramdom flip flops and old skateboarding shoes. Other than running shoes, I think my only athletic shoes are some Jordan Vs for when the boys in medical services want to "run" against corporate. </b-boy pose>

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Got some Nike 360's,plain white leatherish material on top with little imprints of people running on them with a silver bottom, I make them sound horrible but they are sweet I'll take a picture tommorow.

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