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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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do you wear socks?

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I am new to the board and this might have been posted before but i was just curious how many of you go barefoot when u skate. I have done it for the past few months and like it but havent really found any benefits if there are any.

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you would be suprised. my feet rub less since iv started going barefoot. my foot sticks to the boot rather than just the sock and my foot sliding around.

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i just started going barefoot, because i don't have any decent skating socks, and i think i can move my feet faster (totally mental, but whatever works)

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I wouldn't be caught dead goin barefoot. I shudder at the thought of the mammoth blisters I would get.

If the skate fits you, you won't get blisters. I've skated sockless almost all my life and never had a blister. But then again, running around barefoot in Dominican Republic will strengthen up your feet ;)

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I don't wear socks. I just think I get a better feel for the ice when I'm bearfoot in my skates. Feels like the boots are "hugging" my feet much better too.

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I go barefoot. Its the only way to go IMO. I dont think I could ever wear socks again. Also I have never gotten a blister.

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I never wear socks, I always go barefoot. I just feel like my foot is one with the skate and I have the maximum amount of control and I also have the best feel for the ice. I never get blisters and my skates don't even really smell badly at all because I always remove the insoles and let them air out after games and practices.

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i was thinking that skate without socks was terrible for the feet... but. many people seems don't have any problems doing that. i don't know if i want to try it really, i think i would still wear my thin and short socks. i really don't like the feeling of leather directly to my skin...

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Barefoot always. I wear skates a wee bit small for me and I also think I get a beter "feel" for the ice, and better foot "lock" (there's not much spare room in there so the skate really feels like a part of my foot).

Also as for smell, I don't have that much of a problem. I always take out my insoles, unlace all the way pull the tongue way back and let air dry. Seems to work for me. Or sometimes I'll put them in front of a fan, helps dry a bit faster.

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No socks for me, it might be a mental thing but I just feel the ice better, carve harder and having a pair of Graf's with a clario liner feels better than a pair of socks any day.

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Sockless in my E-60's. Went back to socks with my toy drive Synergy's in an attempt to alleviate the ankle issue but no dice. Even tried bandaids and other foot remedies on the ankles to alleviate the pain but with the same unfortunate result.

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i was thinking that skate without socks was terrible for the feet... but. many people seems don't have any problems doing that. i don't know if i want to try it really, i think i would still wear my thin and short socks. i really don't like the feeling of leather directly to my skin...

Most skates on the market don't even have leather liners anymore, for example the liner in the Bauer 8090's is just so soft and comfy, feels really nice against bare feet :).

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