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Slapshot to the chest kills BYU hockey player

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This is absolutely horrible, here is the article: http://tv.ksl.com/index.php?nid=5&sid=146182

My best wishes go out to his family.

He died from taking a hard slap shot in the chest and I can only help but wonder what type of shoulder pads he was wearing. I'm definitely going to re-consider my very thin virtually no protection at all Sher-Wood traditional shoulder pads and probably buy something with far more protection. I'm sure a lot of other people that read the article and learn about his story.

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Similar thing happened to Chris Pronger a few years back. That's when Hespeler came out with the Cardiaguard shoulder pads.

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That happens in baseball a lot. Simplified version of what happens: the children get struck in the chest during the split-second re-polarization period of the heart. THe heart stops and then they die. I think I've heard of similar things happening to golfers, too (but because of lightning).

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Similar thing happened to Chris Pronger a few years back. That's when Hespeler came out with the Cardiaguard shoulder pads.

I had hesplers with cardio gaurd, Ive also heard about several people dying from slapshots to the chest.

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I know it would be impossible to find a pair of new Hespeler's with the Cardiaguard, but which shoulder pads that are readily available have more than sufficiant heart/chest protection and are rather light weight for a no-checking adult league?

Also, what do you guys think about buying this and keeping my Sher-Wood traditionals?


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That happens in baseball a lot. Simplified version of what happens: the children get struck in the chest during the split-second re-polarization period of the heart. THe heart stops and then they die. I think I've heard of similar things happening to golfers, too (but because of lightning).

Happened to two people i know, one baseball accident and another a lacrosse goalie. Scary b/c you don't even have to be hit all that hard, you just have to get hit at that split second

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I know it would be impossible to find a pair of new Hespeler's with the Cardiaguard, but which shoulder pads that are readily available have more than sufficiant heart/chest protection and are rather light weight for a no-checking adult league?

Also, what do you guys think about buying this and keeping my Sher-Wood traditionals?


Look for something with hard plastic inserts and/or high density foam, that should do the best job of diffusing the impact.

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You may find the cardiaguard piece they made for an aftermarket addition..

a pair of shoulder pads with some good protection in that area without a lot of bulk might be the Itech Kinteix 4...

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That happens in baseball a lot.  Simplified version of what happens: the children get struck in the chest during the split-second re-polarization period of the heart.  THe heart stops and then they die.  I think I've heard of similar things happening to golfers, too (but because of lightning).

Its called Commotio Cordis. The majority of the occurrences happens in baseball, but has been reported in other sports as well such as lacrosse, hockey, soccer, and karate. Pretty accurate description of what happens to the heart by 2048. The heart fibrillates which is why a lot of athletic events have EMTs with AEDs at them.

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That happens in baseball a lot.  Simplified version of what happens: the children get struck in the chest during the split-second re-polarization period of the heart.  THe heart stops and then they die.  I think I've heard of similar things happening to golfers, too (but because of lightning).

Happened to two people i know, one baseball accident and another a lacrosse goalie. Scary b/c you don't even have to be hit all that hard, you just have to get hit at that split second

Yea, It happened to a cornell lacrosse player last year. He took a shot to the chest and he died. Although lacrosse defenseman wear close to nothing for shoulder pads. You always hate to see stuff like this.

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It happened to Chris Pronger once during a game (although, he didn't die - obviously - just created his heart to skip and dropped him like a brick). That's when Hespeller came out with that model someone else mentioned earlier.

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Man, my shoulder pads have practicly no protection in the chest. I haven't grown since i started ice so i have the same ones. Their not that good, i wasn't even sure i was going to play ice when i bought them.

I couldn't imagine watching one of my teammates die during a game, that'd be awful.

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I remember the Pronger game... it was against the wings. Ironically, it was on mother's day and his mom was at the game... :(

im not a pervert, but is there a video ?

i just want to know how that happened and looked like.

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im not a pervert, but is there a video ?

i just want to know how that happened and looked like.

Couldn't tell you... I saw it live and never wanted to see it again. I think it was Mironov (Dmitri) when he played with the wings (one of the like 5 games I guess).. he ripped a slapshot from the point and pronger turned into it and it caught him right in the chest. Pronger dropped like a sack of taters... and didn't move at all for a good 20-30 seconds.

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Accord, dont bother trying to get plastic to fit. Just buy the pads with the CardiaGuard. 1800faceoff is blowing them out

If the pads dont fit, just take off the cardiaguard and attach them to you're current pads if you like how they fit


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Accord, dont bother trying to get plastic to fit. Just buy the pads with the CardiaGuard. 1800faceoff is blowing them out

If the pads dont fit, just take off the cardiaguard and attach them to you're current pads if you like how they fit


Awesome, thanks. Do you know if the CardiaGuard pad is removeable?

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Ouch. I took a shot to the chest in hockey camp once. I was wearing my Easton shoulder pads but the puck hit the exposed area and I was lucky I only walked off with 2 bruised ribs and a big red mark on my chest for a week.

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