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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the worse cheapshot, you've encountered? Doesnt necessarily have to be you, but could be one you visually saw happen to another team-mate/player...I recently had a kid on the other team nail our goalie on purpose...it turned into a pretty big scrap and i think i gave him what was coming...

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not sure if this counts as a cheapshot, but one time on a breakaway a goalie intentionally skated out got on his side and slid at me, which completely took me out. He didn't called for anything either.

Another time I had my body facing the backboards as I was skating towards them, and a guy came up and took out my legs. I then skated up the wall about 2-3 feet (inline skates) and fell hard on my back. It was insane, but also extremely painful.

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Tonight i was watching a high-school game, the score was2-2 and on the last face off with 1 sec. left one player grabed the others helmet, pushed him down, then shoved him into the ice three times with his stick. When he was down on the ice the goalie tackled him and was going nuts. The goalie got kicked out. The other player didn't get called.

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have you guys given out any cheap shots? I know i have

Once someone hit me from behind and i 2 handed em with out thinking of course (i won't say wear)

its funny tho the guy who i slashed we are friends now :lol: ;)

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I have this bad habit of trying to pull fancy shit near the boards and getting shoulders to the back, it happens a lot so I don't even consider them cheap shots anymore, I also don't feel like changing the way I play near the boards.

Best "cheap shot" I've been witness to was a really chippy tournament game I was in, there was a faceoff at center and their center tried to buttend ours in the neck right off the draw. Our guy avoided it and won the draw. But this kid is really really....just strange. He throws the weakest wrist shot ever on goal, it seemed so strange. Goalie goes down butterfly to stop it, our center two-hands him in the chest then takes a run at their center. Their whole team surrounded him, but nobody really wanted to get near him.

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1. I got sucker punched while picking a guy in one tourney

2. My goalie (who happened to be my best friend) came out with about 10 seconds left in a championship game, taunts a kid I just laid out, this is around the hash marks. Kid spears his in the groin. I end up narrowly avoiding an 8 game suspension (damn I love tournaments) for a double face-masking penalty (one for each hand) :)

3. City Playdowns last year, pure Bertuzzi punch by a friend of mine on some coward who refused to fight me and him all year long, but actually kicked me in one of our games.

This was kind've due to some hostile feelings after:

My favourit

Last year my friend was jumped by 3 guys, by the time I got there it was 1 on 1, but my friends helmet was off from the 3 guys pulling on it. He got pumped or at least what looked to be pumped (the guy wasn't landing any just narrowly missing). Finally the get seperated, but my friend, who is pissed, breaks away from the referee and runs after the guy who is skating away (guy he fought) KO's him with 1 around the shoulder punch, opens him up pretty good too. Bench clearing brawl (it was at the end of the game). He ends up wrestling, my dad, somehow ends up on the ice treating the kid who got KO'ed (my dad's a pretty good trainer for the team I coach with him). I end up getting a kid bucketless with his arms tied behind him looking up at me. Me being the nice guy I am decided to just tie'em up. Apperantly there was some other good stuff going on too, like a call-up literally running away, and some stick throwing. Somehow there was only 2 suspensions handed down and both were to our team.

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roller hockey team i played with last yr, scraps EVERY game of the season. It got to the point where it was rediculous. There were 2 or 3 cocky kids on our team forever starting fights. I think we were a man short 75% of the season lol(and we still finished 10-0-0). Anyway worst cheap shot i've seen, my teammate was going back and forth with this kid all game..pokin, slashing, etc... finally the other kid flipped, cross checked him on his back after he scored, way after the play had ended. as my teammate was getting back up, the kid gave him a knee to the facemask and knocked him out cold. our becnh cleared faster than i've ever seen. the kid BOOKED out the service door to the rink and took off. his teammates didn't even try to stop us chasin him lol. he got banned form the league for that one...

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Hmm..nothing really major like hardcore but the odd thing here and there. Happened a couple games ago, we were getting malled 12-1 and a couple of my linemates started to get pissed so they started hacking this guy and butt ending him, this other opponet hops in and starts throwing punches; my first reaction join in obviously so I do and all hell breaks loose. This may seam immature for 13 and 14 yr olds and I agree to some point. What's minor hockey doing to help this?

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Jeez Easy, thats insane. I'm currently suspended indefinitely pending a hearing for defending myself when I got jumped last weekend. I didn't even get the guy's helmet off or anything, just a few lousy punches.

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got checked during a hockey scrimage through ones of the doors opening into the players bench (and we play non-contact hockey). I actually knew the guy (which i couldnt stand and hated his guts.. he didnt like me either as i always slid INTO him to block his slapshots) was coming at me and turned to face him before the check, he just came at me and pushed me thru the opening... i just got up, looked him in the eye, thumbs up (gloves already off) and told him it was a good check... funny thing is that he straight away skated to his team's players' bench and started removing his equipment... as he was walking away, i told him to come back and finish the game... played a few games against him the few weeks after that... not much incidents

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Worst cheapshot for me was during a tournament over Labor Day Weekend...I am skating pretty hard to get a loose puck, I'm about 5 or 6 feet away from the puck, and the boards, and some guy comes behind me, cross checks me in the back, I go down, and hit the boards head first...no call

I have given a couple cheapshots though...one was in the corner, I was digging for a loose puck with another guy, went to lift his stick, and boom got him right between the legs, it was unintetional though, but they still gave me the slashing penalty. another one was when I got hit by a bigger kid, got up, and kind of buttended him in the chest...no call though. I am not really a dirty player, this just happens when I am mad

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I just love those ice hockey stories

I mostly play Roller Hockey in Europe so its not that fun.

Cheapest given : it's my usual (im a defense guy) : when the attacker is about to deke me and when I feel he'll succeed...I simply lock his stick and lift it very high... 9 times out of 10 the ref will stop the game for high sticking...no call for anybody B) B) B)

Cheapest reveived : a few weeks ago... a game was about to become ugly... then one of my teammate and another guy start taunting and provoking nose to nose... As I nice guy, I come to separate them before they turn this to a fight... I do this turning my back to the other guy, lookin my teammate and lifting my arms in a "Jesus-on-his-cross" posture. So it was clearly a non-violent intervention...not even looking the other team's guy... Then another guy from the other team just come and punch me in the face ! Wowww man did I feel the urge to put him to pieces :angry: Unfortunatly the ref just warned us 5 minutes before : next fighter will get 3 game suspension... :angry::angry::angry: So I had to let him go away with this... I still have his number though ;)

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I recently last weekend encountered a pretty big one, ill post the video here in a little of it...It was in a torunament up in cleveland and we we're playin Parma Redman, not a so good team, i think we were up 8-2?(final score was 11-2) and our goalie came out to play it and i kinda move into this kids way to give the goalie time and my back was faced and he just cross checked me right into the back of the head, i went down hard but got up(i hate ppl who lay on the ice, unless its serious, pet peeve...) and skate to the bench...I was just dazed, ear hurt real bad and i thought it was bleedin but turned out to be OK...Ill post the vid...

Also, our goalie had one int he tourney...the kid was talkin shit to him so he just took his stick and nailed em in the head...kid was ok so we look back on it and laugh...lol

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A few weeks ago coming out of the corner making my way back towards the blueline (playing right defense) in our offensive zone after reversing the puck back down low. I got picked (crosschecked in the face) by their left winger. As I'm on my back, their center cuts up the left side gets a homerun pass and scores on a breakaway. After they scored I went after the guy, shoved him in the chest and challenged him. The ref broke up the melee.

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Well Last season i got hit from behind by 2 guys and i broke my wrist and collar bone.

I got hit from behind by this kid when I was going after a dumped puck and broke my wrist and collarbone too.

Also the Bertuzzi TACKLE was cheap on Steve Moore. Poor guy.

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I bumped a guy on the other team who then tripped me up and I landed on top of him. His teammate then comes over and knees me in the head. I get up two hand in the back of the knee. He gets called for the knee, I get nothing and we score on the power play - sweet justice.

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Worst was the HS team I coached last year. A plyer on the other team dove into the knee of one of our guys 3 times and was never given a penalty.

Worst I've done was to pull the goalie's feet out from under him as I skated out of the corner and back into the play. Worst part is the ref was still behind me even though the puck was on the other side of the red line.

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One of the worst I did not see...when JD Davidson was given a forearm shiver to the face in a Pro inline game out in Vegas last year..shattered his orbital bone and cheekbone....apparently he was mouthing off...... :rolleyes:

One of the greatest plays I have ever seen was also while a cheapshot was being taken. This was also at a Narch Winter Nationals Pro game in out in Vegas in 2000....CJ Yoder...always a target when he plays, got a buddy pass coming out of his own zone. As he turned to recieve the puck, an opponent submarines him to the back of the knees from behind....(even at Narch Pro's it is still supposed to be non contact)....CJ does a complete sommersault backwards in the air, but somehow as he is rotating in the air, he gets control of the puck and slings a one handed pass to set up a breakaway goal to Jay Mazer...a cheap shot certainly, but one of the greatest hockey plays I have ever seen....It was plays like that that made him a legend.

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