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The Hockey News "equipment edition"

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I just got the latest hockey news and the thing is easily 5 times thicker than regular Hockey News' that come every week. It has all the new equipment and whatnot in it, although nothing we haven't seen before but it's still a good read.

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I got it two days ago, the thing is huge. The equipment section is pretty good and well done, they have it done on most of the high end stuff being released (or already released) for 2005. They have a page on the Adrenaline too, and I hadn't seen the paint job for it but where it says "Adrenaline" and has the lightning bolt lines through it, it looks like it should be sold at Canadian Tire :ph34r: IMO

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I got it two days ago, the thing is huge. The equipment section is pretty good and well done, they have it done on most of the high end stuff being released (or already released) for 2005. They have a page on the Adrenaline too, and I hadn't seen the paint job for it but where it says "Adrenaline" and has the lightning bolt lines through it, it looks like it should be sold at Canadian Tire :rolleyes: IMO

I got it, but hadn't realized it had an equipment section until it was mentioned here.

The Adrenaline is the highest end stick from Louisville. It's a XN10 modified, supposedly, for durability and some sort of "shock dampener" system built in.

I agree with what was just said - quite decent equipment review. Even covered some of the new/obscure up and comers like Rebellions (skates, shin guards, shoulder pads, etc), DR equip, Fury, etc.

I'm going to look forward to sitting down with this one.

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I found it interesting that every company who paid for an ad got at least one product pictured. Those who didn't barely got a mention in the "roundup" type articles. It's more advertising than real journalism.

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I haven't seen the issue yet, but in the past all it was, was paid promo advertisements like you'd find in HBN.

ie. Rebellion pays for a half page ad..and has a half page article,etc..

typically good timing since you then have kids calling shops right before/after the trade show asking where you can get some of it..

you'll never find "journalism" when reviewing product..easy way to lose that sponsorship $ ...and i would think (hope) for the big companies sake..they are getting some sort of concession this year with the lack of hockey being played...circulation must be down on the newstand..

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But even the later equipment review issues are slanted towards why a particular manufacturer thinks their equipment is best. Definitely not journalism, but just an opportunity for them all to hype their products up. We’ve been spoiled this year with not only an early equipment review but also the addition of the catalogues in pdf format. I intend to pick the issue up, but I know that the real information is found here in this forum.

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Accord, can you tell me what they say about Rebellion OPS in the magazine?

I would get one myself...but it's not available over here...

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Accord, can you tell me what they say about Rebellion OPS in the magazine?

I would get one myself...but it's not available over here...

There will be three new Rebellion OPS, that's about the only thing it said.

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Accord, can you tell me what they say about Rebellion OPS in the magazine?

I would get one myself...but it's not available over here...

They didn't really say much at all, I guess Rebellion didn't pay them enough, LOL.

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Accord, can you tell me what they say about Rebellion OPS in the magazine?

I would get one myself...but it's not available over here...

They didn't really say much at all, I guess Rebellion didn't pay them enough, LOL.

The article Rebellion wrote focsued on their skates.

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I found it interesting that every company who paid for an ad got at least one product pictured. Those who didn't barely got a mention in the "roundup" type articles. It's more advertising than real journalism.

I guess that's why each page was labelled "Advertising Feature" then. A technique as old as the hills. Get hockey fans (who are more likely to play hockey than not) to buy a special issue with lots of extra advertising so they can have a little extra income before they slow down production and cut their revenue stream in half.

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I still like seeing the ads either way. For instance, I didn't know Rebellion made shoulder pads (they look pretty sturdy). Just a decent way of keeping up. I look forward to reading about the skate too.

Anyone else read that the Hockey News is no longer going to be weekly? Apparently, they're cutting back during the strike to every other week.

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Anyone else notice that on the Adrenaline add (the C12 / XN10 replacement) that they say "everyone else tries to duplicate our 11" taper" or something to that effect.

Do the XN10/Adrenalines really only have an 11 inch taper? That always seems to be the big thing these days along with weight (the taper length). If it's true, I'm surprised that they've kept it the same length from their original model from 5 years ago or what not.

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I got it today and it was a good read. I also read on the THN website that their only producing bi-weekly now, due to lack of hockey stuff.

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Yep, starting sometime this or next month they'll only be sending out issues bi-weekly. People that already have subscriptions will still receive the same amount of issues, just over a longer period of time. I'm glad they're doing this, because the content in THN ever since the lockout began has been just terrible, so the quality should definitely go up. Also, they said they'll resume weekly issues once the CBA has been resolved, to the bi-weekly thing isn't permanent.

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I still like seeing the ads either way. For instance, I didn't know Rebellion made shoulder pads (they look pretty sturdy). Just a decent way of keeping up. I look forward to reading about the skate too.

Anyone else read that the Hockey News is no longer going to be weekly? Apparently, they're cutting back during the strike to every other week.

The shoulder pads are certainly nothing special and the skates are very overpriced. I tried on the one pair and it was killing the top of my foot where the tongue is sewn on. Their solution? Use a bigger size.

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Well, that's certainly not a ringing endorsement. Not worth (my) taking the gamble based on that sort of feedback.

There was a quote from someone (presumably a Rebellion rep) about how great their boot was, but that their (old) chasis weighted it down (so they have a new, lighter chasis that would contend with all the major skates, blah-blah).

Sounded a bit suspicious to me.

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