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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Golf Ball

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I hear that using a golf ball will improve your stickhandling. I go around my basement every now and then with a golf ball. My stick handling isnt bad, but theres always room for improvement.

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Using a golf ball is better than sitting around doing nothing, but its not as good as being on the ice or using a real puck (or weighted ball). Work with what you got, the golfball will help.

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Using a golf ball is better than sitting around doing nothing, but its not as good as being on the ice or using a real puck (or weighted ball). Work with what you got, the golfball will help.

I use a Lacrosse ball. It's got nice weight to it and is good for stickhandling.

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I never liked the golf ball. But it is not just the weight. I got some steel ball bearings that weighed the same as a real puck, and they really stunk. I think it is more the shape and glide of a real puck that you miss when you have the easy-rolling round golf ball on the stick.

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i find the golf balls bounce off the stick too much for me. i prefer just the regular orange ball hockey ball

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i find the golf balls bounce off the stick too much for me.

That's the point, bud. Stickhandling with a golf ball/bouncy-ball/ping-pong ball (thanks for that idea, yglod) will help you develop much quicker, softer hands.

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Yea last year, my coach made us do circles with golf balls, it was pretty tough. I like to use smart hockey balls, at first you mght find that stickhandling with them feels weird, like heavy, but after you adjust it is really good for your stickhandling. Or just a normal puck like Kovy_Ribs does, and he seems to be pretty damn good.

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if you have $10 lying around, definately get the smart hockey balls, they're awesome. i lost mine, so now i just make do with a golf ball, but i wear my gloves as well, but it's probably all mental ;)

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Smart Hockey balls are the absolute best. Nothing else even comes close, unlike golf balls, ping pong balls, and tons of other things, the Smart Hockey balls actually feel like a puck on the ice.

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Smart Hockey balls are the absolute best. Nothing else even comes close, unlike golf balls, ping pong balls, and tons of other things, the Smart Hockey balls actually feel like a puck on the ice.

I find I have to take the tape off my stick to use them, the wax grips the ball too much.

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Smart Hockey balls are the absolute best.  Nothing else even comes close, unlike golf balls, ping pong balls, and tons of other things, the Smart Hockey balls actually feel like a puck on the ice.

I never tried the Smartball, but the best way is to put Gigolo(liquid silicon in spray) on sheet of Acrylic and it will be the same thing or so as on the ice.

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The "secret formula" that they use on synthetic ice rinks is 2/3 water, 1/3 pure Glycerin, sprayed on. The advantage is that glycerin is non-toxic (you eat it in a number of food products).

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where can u get glycerin ?

and where should you put this in to make your personal rink ;)

i cant imagine it right now, sorry

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The "secret formula" that they use on synthetic ice rinks is 2/3 water, 1/3 pure Glycerin, sprayed on. The advantage is that glycerin is non-toxic (you eat it in a number of food products).

Hey Biff44 or others,

I always fell that when I play outside hockey, the ice doesn't feel the same than when I play in inside rink...Do you think glycerin can make a difference with that?

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