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Keeping Hockey Tape Dry

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Hey guys I was wondering if their was anything I could do to keep my tape dry when i'm playing. My stick gets soaked with water during my game and I was wondering if there is anything I can put on it to keep it dry longer.

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Rub the wax on the tape and take a lighter and melt the wax into the tape. Do that 3 or 4 times and then put on one more coat but without melting this time.

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It doesnt seam to make any diferance in feel with me. And i would rather have dry weird looking tape than soggy tape. I guess this could maby just fall into personal preferance.

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truesay, i just wanted to throw out a warning, because i pratically soaked one of my sticks with wax, and it was a horrible experience :P

also, if you don't want soggy tape, maybe change tape? also, using less tape might make it so that less tape gets soggy, and solve your problem

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The Blade Spray available at the miraclestone sight is fantastic. It does a great job of keeping your tape job low on moisture. It also makes it stronger and a bit more grippy. Give it shot.

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Play roller hockey.

Seriously, your tape is going to get wet no matter what you do. Wax will help--it repels water and will keep it from soaking into the tape, but it is not a cure. Also, after each shift, scrape the snow off your blade, and maybe wipe it with a towel.

Wet tape doesn't hurt anything, except when it's left on a (wood) blade and allows the water to soak into the blade...

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Play roller hockey.

Seriously, your tape is going to get wet no matter what you do. Wax will help--it repels water and will keep it from soaking into the tape, but it is not a cure. Also, after each shift, scrape the snow off your blade, and maybe wipe it with a towel.

Wet tape doesn't hurt anything, except when it's left on a (wood) blade and allows the water to soak into the blade...

I couldn't agree more.

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Rub the wax on the tape and take a lighter and melt the wax into the tape. Do that 3 or 4 times and then put on one more coat but without melting this time.

took the words right out of my mouth...lol...

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Using tape is part of hockey. It sucks, but you just have to deal with it. Luckily I work at a store so I just buy in bulk. :D

But seriously, just use a light layer of tape and rub the puck on it to make it stick better. Doing that usually makes it stick better.

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Hey guys I was wondering if their was anything I could do to keep my tape dry when i'm playing. My stick gets soaked with water during my game and I was wondering if there is anything I can put on it to keep it dry longer.

Use stick wax and then cover every square inch of the tape on your blade with it. Just putting the wax on the tape isn't enough, you have to rub the wax into the tape. I find that the best way to do this is to take an extra puck from your bag or something and use the rough side edge of the puck to work the wax into the tape.

But seriously, it doesn't matter if your tape gets soaked, it will have no effect on performance at all whether it's wet or dry... the main reason people use stick wax is to prevent snow from building up on the blade and not necessarily to keep the tape dry.

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is this what you do? i don't see myself doing that in a game, i'm afraid of getting laughed out of the rink :P

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i like mr zogs, and melt it with heat gun like others have said, one other thing may help is to switch sticks in a game to a freshly taped one if the watered down tape is hurting perfomance. :)

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