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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Octane on Ebay

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I Just laughed so hard I cried. I would really feel bad though, for the younger newbie starting to play hockey that looks at these sticks and says "WOW I just have to have that, its rare and its Green, and says Easton on it. I will take it for 60"

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I'm surprised someone's actually bidding $55US for that Octane... if I sold Octanes on eBay, I'd be rich.

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Hmmmm... I think that could be frowned upon..... (so don't tell anyone that I already did ;) )

that is too bad, I was going to buy that Octane from Amazon but it is only for a right hand!

Of course, now there ARE actually shafts made for one shot or the other (Novius, Catapult, to name a few) but....... I'm sort of with you on this one - pretty sure a $30 Octane isn't going to have some technology for that sort of thing..... :blink:

  the only thing i like is the color
Stay away from the light! 

Hey, what a Brazilian soccer team wouldn't do for that shaft when their plane goes down in the Andes mountains..... they'd be able to flag a plane down in seconds with that thing.....

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I'm surprised someone's actually bidding $55US for that Octane... if I sold Octanes on eBay, I'd be rich.

So true!!

I could be all like ill even throw in a free blade and i could be making 35 dollars a piece. lol but i wouldnt do that

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