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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats more important

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what is most important i think is curve :D if a right handed guy uses a lefty stick = a weak shot just kidding

but i still think it's the curve






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flex-if you cant flex a stick you wont have much of a shot

curve-you need somthing that fits your shooting style

lie - you can awalys mess with stick lengths to some what even it out

length-is easy to adapt to

weight-weight is easy to adapt to

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I think it depends on where you are playing and your style.

If I am going to be passing / shooting more than stickhandling (most of the time):

Lie + Length (I think they go hand-in-hand) / Curve / Flex / Weight

If I am stickhandling and receiving passes more:

Curve / Lie + Length / Flex / Weight

If I am on the checking line, doing a lot of forechecking, and need an active stick:

Weight / Lie + Length / Curve / Flex

- my $0.02

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Lie/length - Longer shaft lower lie, shorter shaft higher lie

Curve - smaller is better

Flex - I can shoot with any flex, I just prefer 90-95

Weight - A heavier stick with good feel is better than a twig that feels like crap.

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1. Lie/Flex tied. I'm quite picky about the lie. I don't slap shot very often so I need a good flex for my wrist/snap shots. I usually don't buy sticks if either of these are off.

2. Curve. I prefer small heels but I can adjust to any small curve after time. I hate any pattern over 1/2".

3. Weight. Lighter does not equal better. Take the Xn10 for example. It's lighter than the Response+ but I prefer the + because it's more balanced in my eyes.

4. Length. It's fine as long as it's not off by like 3" or more. I'm only around 5'8 so I usually have to cut my sticks anyway.

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for those that feel that lie is the most important, im glad to hear that you care about lie, but i ask the question, do your blades have a flat bottom to them... if not, you don't really use the lie that is stated for that blade. you may find a difference when you change from one curve to the next, and they have a differnent lie listed, but the lie is still not accurate.

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for those that feel that lie is the most important, im glad to hear that you care about lie, but i ask the question, do your blades have a flat bottom to them... if not, you don't really use the lie that is stated for that blade. you may find a difference when you change from one curve to the next, and they have a differnent lie listed, but the lie is still not accurate.

I prefer a near-flat rocker on the bottom, much like the Sullivan pro curve that I am using as a basis for my customs.

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Prenny - I've used 4.5-6.5 lies, so I can feel what is differently, regardless of what the label says. Even if I have a 5.5 Sakic that is actually a 5, or 6, I can feel the difference of the '5.5' that I am used to, contrasting with a '4.5.' Good point though, I didn't know that

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