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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new nike site

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Just got an email from nike and it looks like the new nike site is up...didnt go too much into it but they have Naslund and Iginla all over the place. No sign of kovalchuk...but then again I didnt explore it all.

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I wish there was a skip intro button (unless I missed it) ...that flash movie is kinda annoying after you've seen it once.

I didn't even sit through it the first time. I hate that crap.

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That site is so lame. What am I just supposed to guess what to click on? It's amazing with all the resources Nike has that they insist on building such junk sites. I guess it's their marketing strategy but it surely is annoying for anyone who is actually looking for info on the products.

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you guy are rite nike is always trying to be fancy and cool well i think the effects are crap its a waste of time why not just put there stuff in bauers site

if possible ofcorse

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Nike must like to have fancy websites since their ones for golf etc are all the same, trying to be different. I guess that's good in some ways, but bad if you just want to surf and check out stuff. I'm surprised Iginla is now a Nike endorser, they have have to correct Naslund's name, they spelled it Marcus, instead of Markus.

I can't complain too much since I own some Nike shares, but yes it would be nicer to surf through it quicker without waiting for each page to load.

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I like the website, Its got a cool feeling. A bit much for a equipment site though. I do like how you look around the room for the equipment though.

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I like the website, Its got a cool feeling. A bit much for a equipment site though. I do like how you look around the room for the equipment though.

if the room was 360 it be the best!

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I think I pretty much always hated Nike's website. It doesn't serve the right purpose. It's always a hassle to navigate and those mini clips may be pretty cool the first time you watch it, but every time you switch pages, the annoying things just pops out. It's another sheer disappointment as they manage to create the most non-user-friendly website. And now they're advertising the Nike Shox with its equipment...sigh...

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Coming from a Graphic Designer...

I must say, Graphically the site is done well but other then that I really feel Nike dropped the ball (errr puck) on this one.

It doesn't look the least bit "Hockey" to me.

I like their old site MUCH more (with the net and catchy slogans like "feed me")

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Is it just me or can ne one else see a Vapor XX and Endure in the corner of the room, i thought that would be breach of contract or something puttin bauer equiptment on a nike site, even though they are the same company ??

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