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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When I used to play all the time I was around a 10. Now that I have time to play a few times a month if I'm lucky I'm more like an 18 or so, mainly due to putting. Tough to keep your putting touch when you don't play all the time.

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There's a dome right near our home rink, so my buddies and I stop in there once or twice a week after practice and buy a few buckets of balls. It keeps me "in tune" but I still REALLY want to get out on the course right now...

Last year I finished with a 6 and will hopefully knock that down to scratch this summer.

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Mine has been dropping. But will probably now go up as Minnesota has snow on the ground and we all know playing in snow is a little tough. Courses will probably open in about a month and a half.

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about 20

but the real question is... how far do you drive it?

since it is rumoured hockey players drive it further than average

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why would that be the real question, driving means nothing its all about the short game and putting.

ever hear the saying, drive for show putt for dough

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2 summers ago i was playing 2-3 times a week, and i was down to around a 12. Since i finished college and started working, i can't even rememnber the last time i went out. I did go to the range a few months ago, and man was it ugly. I'm hoping to get back into playing again this summer

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why would that be the real question, driving means nothing its all about the short game and putting.

ever hear the saying, drive for show putt for dough

When you play a 6800-7000 yard course, you better be able to drive the ball. Otherwise when you do one-putt the hole, it's for bogey.

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