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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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They're on the heavy side, and have a different comfort than a running shoe. The comfort comes from air bladders that surround the foot. I've done a couple running tests for lacrosse in them, and they were alright. But if you're looking at a shoe strictly for running, the $99 is much better spent on other shoes

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Never seen Gucci sneakers for men? Never seen Sandals on men? Come on, its all bout couture. Quality is better than quantity.

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I just ordered another pair of Reebok pumps. Most comfortable shoe....ever.


I hope you're right, because I jusr bought a pair on eBay. Seems like I got a fairly good deal compared to retail... $74.

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I'm currently bidding on a pair of the best shoes ever made. I've been looking for these for months and months. Auction ends later tonight, I'll post the link then.

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naw man, A&F is ghetto ;)

back during the spanish american war in the 1890's, the rough riders wore A&F uniforms. think DMX but earlier :D

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Those wouldn't be bad, but I just checked out finishline.com's clearance and got some Shox and Air Max for good prices.

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