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NHL 2006?

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do you mean the game? if you do it will come out in september the same as always. they simulated a season on easports. com so maybe they'll use the stats from that.

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Won't know because I won't buy it. What could be different on it other than people aging a year? Plus EA Canada's never impressed.

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I heard on the EA forum that they WILL make the game.

They're supposed to base the game around some sort of "DNA" System where you take your player (you) through the minors to the pros and all that stuff.

So I'm guessing it wont have too much of a reliability upon the lack of an NHL season.

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Is that some sort of hint to us that he helps develop games or something like that? Or am I just reading too far into it?

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It's a little too early to say anything so i'll leave it at that. I'm sure some of you have heard that EA has bought out ESPN so all of their knowledge and technologies will be incorporated with the next NHL game. I'll ensure you this though. All of the complaints about the 2005 game will be addressed. There's no question about that. EA has a lot more to prove this year so don't expect them to rest on their laurels. Anything besides being the best sports game in the genre that year is unacceptable. It's not just smack talk or some method to motivate employees either. EA works toward that goal with a passion that I haven't seen anywhere else and 2nd best is a complete failure. Expect good things to come because EA's expectations are higher than yours.

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I'm sure some of you have heard that EA has bought out ESPN so all of their knowledge and technologies will be incorporated with the next NHL game.

That statement is a little misleading. EA bought the ESPN license, and will incorporate it into their games in 2007 (branding, score overlays, announcers). The ESPN hockey game was made by Visual Concepts (subbed to Kush), and Visual Concepts was bought by Take Two games. Take Two games has started a sports division under the brand name 2K games. They will be doing this years sequel to ESPN 2K5, I believe calling it simply NHL Hockey 2K6. Visual Concepts has one more year of the ESPN license, so it will probably still be "in game", but they won't be advertising it, since EA will be getting the ESPN branding the following year.


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hell yeah mid-90's NHL were the best games ever. NHL 94 for super nintendo was my favorite.

My lil brother bought NHL 2004 for PS2, i played it 3 times, got bored

NHL 94 ON SUPER NINTENDO!!!! I'm STILL PLAYING!!!GREAT MEMORIES!!it make me remeber the good time when i was 5-7 yr old!!! and i was picking the nordique of quebec with joe sakic!!!

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I'll still probably get this game as a Christmas present or something along those lines. I won't be buying this out of my own pocket though. Getting back to the best game though: NHL '95 for the computer was a beauty.

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I liked ESPN's NHL 2K5 better than EA's NHL 2005..........................

It's cheaper too!

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Won't know because I won't buy it. What could be different on it other than people aging a year? Plus EA Canada's never impressed.

NHL 2005 was a disaster, a bunch of people involved with NHL 2005 were fired by EA and NHL 2006 is supposed to be a completely brand new game, not just an improvement on last year's.

I will be renting it before buying though.

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I'm sure some of you have heard that EA has bought out ESPN so all of their knowledge and technologies will be incorporated with the next NHL game.

That statement is a little misleading. EA bought the ESPN license, and will incorporate it into their games in 2007 (branding, score overlays, announcers). The ESPN hockey game was made by Visual Concepts (subbed to Kush), and Visual Concepts was bought by Take Two games. Take Two games has started a sports division under the brand name 2K games. They will be doing this years sequel to ESPN 2K5, I believe calling it simply NHL Hockey 2K6. Visual Concepts has one more year of the ESPN license, so it will probably still be "in game", but they won't be advertising it, since EA will be getting the ESPN branding the following year.


Nice avi...i think everyone at MSH should do one of themself South Park style.

As far as the games...I've been addicted to NHL 2004 (PC) for almost a year now...played 3 full seasons, with three different rosters and won the Cup all 3 times. Previously I had NHL Powerplay '98 / NHL '97 & NHL 2002. Won the Cup in all of them. I'd love to have a PS2...becasue I think the game owuld be even better on that.

I think I've worn out my second Controller...the Left Axis doesn't work really well, unless you've got "Speed Burst" pushed. I've got one of those Mad Catz PS2 Controllers with a PS2-USB Adaptor.

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Nice avi...i think everyone at MSH should do one of themself South Park style.

How's this?

As non-South Park avi's go...that is pretty damn sweet.

[EDIT] I posted before I hit Refresh...looks damn good JR. The one with Stanley is fantastic too.

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