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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sorry if this has already been asked, but:

What things do you do when coming in on a goalie to shoot. I look up at the net for a split-second and find my corner, and then look back down at the puck. I then look at the goalie, trying to not give him any clues as to where I am going to shoot, and shoot towards the corner that I picked out without looking. I don't why I do this, but it works for me.

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lol i dunno wat i think......all i know is that i tell myself to shoot as hard as i can towards the chosen target....because even if the goalie gets it....he'll feel it if i shoot hard enough..lol its kinda plain for me

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You should always have your head up when shooting so you can pick your corner. Me personally I like to shoot 5-hole or for the lower corners. Most goalies don't expect it and leave it wiiiiiide open, and if you don't score there will be a nice juicy rebound.

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I'm all about faking lowing with the shoulder and head and then putting it shelf. I don't think I've scored more than two goals on the ice this year. They we're probably garbage goals too.

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I put my head up, look for a hole and shoot. Usually I go upstairs, unless the goalie has the 5 hole wiiiiide open. If there is no holes or I have no angle shoot it right at his pads so there is a rebound.

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I look to see what he's giving me before I shoot. Now I can actually shoot 5 hole with my custom blades, much easier to keep it low.

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It depends but I tend to fancy the five-hole. Sometimes I even look up at one of the corners so the goalie thinks about it, then put it five-hole. Almost always works.

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Depends on what's there, but I like to drop the shoulder and see what that opens up. If it's just to get it on net, 5-hole.

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Maybe I think too much, but early in a game unless I have a REAL opening over a shoulder or wide to a side I like to go 5hole once or twice. I find usually (in roller especially) if a goalie feels their 5hole is threatened, they'll over play the hell out of it and it'll leave low to mid portions of the net wide open.

+ thanks whoever noticed and fixed my screw up, sorry about that.

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If the goalie is out at the top of his crease I shoot high or deke. If he sits in his net then I just look for whatever is open and fire it. It isn't a good idea to deke when the goalie sits in his net, unless you deke and go 5-hole Mario style.

I never look at the goalie when I shoot, always at the mesh. The puck tends to go where you are looking.

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on wrist shots i keep my head up and look for a corner,

on slappers i used to keep my head down and shoot but i have been working on keeping my head up while shooting, i makes a big difference.

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Look where the goalie isnt combined with subtle body/head fakes and just blow a snapper right by him. Its $$$ every time.

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mainly instinct... but i think i bring the puck in too close before letting it fly. OUr team goalie is really aggresive, and sometimes rushes out and sweep checks the puck away... and his sweep checks are pretty consistent, maybe 8 out of every 10 times...

i'm trying to release the shot from about 15 feet out, low and hard, so that if it doesnt go in, the rebound is there for the pickings...

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If you have a small goalie to shoot at and his trapper is down by his side is to just go in straight lined up with the goalie in a breakaway.

For right handed shooters: As you are coming down fast give a sweep (dribble) from left to right and as far as you can comfortably hang onto the puck comfortably on your forehand like this puck-----> o) <-----blade then use the inertia from bringing it from the back hand blade-----> )o <------puck and just lift the puck up. It doesn't take that much energy and I think it surprises the goalie as it doesn't look like you need a wind up for a shot. Almost like a slow mo deflection to yourself.

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I'm a mid-level player in my league, so I don't get too many scoring opportunities. When I do, I just take the best shot available depending on where I'm at, how much space/time I have, and what my body positioning is like. If I've got the time/space to get a quality shot off, I'll usually go for the top corners or low sides.

If I've got defenders on top of me, I concentrate on shot quickness, not necessarliy placement or speed. With defenders in the area, the goalie has a harder time picking up the puck. The longer it sits on your blade, the better the goalies chances of reading the shot. If you get the puck on to and off of your blade really quickly, the puck is halfway to the goalie before his brain even registers that the puck is coming..

Also, the goalie's positioning has alot to do with my choice. The deeper the goalie is, the better your chances are with a well placed, hard shot. The farther out he is, the better your chances are with a deke.

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Freq019, thats the best thing to do from the point. Its hard to see it for the goalie, and easy to tip for the people in front of the net.

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Oh yeah and on my dekes, I add alot of shoulder fakes and fake shots nowadays. It seems to get the goalie scrambling and out of positon.

-EDIT- Woohoo 200th post B)

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