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hockey hair

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I guess I was way off on my guess as to how long mine used to be.

After further review, I would say my hair was around 6" long...

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i was growing my hockey mane up until about 3 weeks ago...had it goin for a good 6 months. Wasn't too long, but it was gettin there. I finally gave in to my g/f's CONSTANT barking about it, she HATES my hair any longer than fresh cut. I couldn't listen to it any longer :angry:

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Last year my hair was about 5" all around, but then my mom got mad at me and made me cut it. It sometimes got in the way of my eye. I was so hot in the summer, so I kinda wanted to cut it.

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I havn't cut mine since the middle of summer but I have some THICK hair. I always tip about 7 dollars to the poor soul that cuts my hair b/c it takes so long and they always comment on how thick it is. So right now I would say about 6 inches and my hair grows out/up instead of flat but i really don't care-I even had to readjust my helmet b/c it was too tight.

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I havn't cut mine since the middle of summer but I have some THICK hair. I always tip about 7 dollars to the poor soul that cuts my hair b/c it takes so long and they always comment on how thick it is. So right now I would say about 6 inches and my hair grows out/up instead of flat but i really don't care-I even had to readjust my helmet b/c it was too tight.

I'm the same- it grows out and up, even at 7.25 inches

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At my longest the front when I pulled it down would touch my lower lip and it was like this around my head, so I would say that is about 5-6 inches. I jus cut so its like 2 inches around, and Im letting it grow back. My school makes me cut it if it gets to long.

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LOL, private schools aren't too great. My hair used to be fairly long until I got it cut. My teammates used to call me 'Trevor' (from Trailer Park Boys). Back then I don't even think they knew my real name, I was just 'Trevor' :D

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How long does that take? I wanna grow my hair but next year my new school won't let me <_<

A guy from my team last year would not cut his hair so he switched schools. But at the longest my hair is about 6" and I keep gettin hagged to cut it from my grandpa not my mom....

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I've got 3 1/2 months until I switch schools so I'm not going to cut it until then right now it's barely over my eyes, and I'd say about 4 1/2 inches long in the back.

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my hairs like 8 or 9 inches long and big and poofy :lol: it doesnt annoy me at all when im playing hockey. i havent had short hair since about 3 years ago

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