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MP3 Player

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Guys I wanna get a MP3 player but don't know which one to get or how much to spend. I want one thats rather small and light. Im not sure if I should get one off Ebay or go to best buy. Im not looking to spend over $100 so any suggestions would be great. Thanks

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Myself and my 'lil bro both have Rios and we couldn't be happier with them. Good luck finding them under $100 though...

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dude get a mini disk player, they are awesome!!! just as big as n mpe and one disk holds 5 hours of music. i love it! its a sony and is great. the MD player is 2 in by 3 in by 3 in by 1 inch (approx)

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I currently use the Rio Cali 256 (in conjunction with a 512 SD card). I prefer flash memory mp3 players as opposed to the HD ones for when I work out or practice at the rink by myself. They don't skip and honestly, you don't really need 4 gigs of music on a mp3 player.

for ~$100, I'd go with the Rio s35s, look for them on Amazon or eBay as they are priced in that range...some sellers also throw in some extra memory cards to sweeten the deal.


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I'm also in the market for an MP3 player and all my friends have been opting to go the Sony Minidisc route. I like the ones that I have borrowed and I like the idea of having the music on a disc so you don't have to listen to the same tunes over and over again without re-loading the thing onto your computer.

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dude get a mini disk player, they are awesome!!! just as big as n mpe and one disk holds 5 hours of music. i love it! its a sony and is great. the MD player is 2 in by 3 in by 3 in by 1 inch (approx)

How much are these?

They sound pretty expensive.

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dude get a mini disk player, they are awesome!!! just as big as n mpe and one disk holds 5 hours of music. i love it! its a sony and is great. the MD player is 2 in by 3 in by 3 in by 1 inch (approx)

Start at about 100, but with all the disks, they can cost you. I was all ready to say get an ipod, but you dont wanna spend the big bucks, so... try the lyra

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dude get a mini disk player, they are awesome!!! just as big as n mpe and one disk holds 5 hours of music. i love it! its a sony and is great. the MD player is 2 in by 3 in by 3 in by 1 inch (approx)

Start at about 100, but with all the disks, they can cost you. I was all ready to say get an ipod, but you dont wanna spend the big bucks, so... try the lyra

i only paid 85 USD for myne at radio shack, and u can get them for theat or even cheaper on ebay. just search for sony minidisk or mini disk player. the disks are only 10 USD for 5 of them and each of them hold 5 hours of music. i wouldnt consider it that expensive and i love it

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I just got an Ipod. I got one that holds 3,700 songs but it was about $350 when I was done buying everything I needed. I like it but, I think I would have been better off getting something smaller.

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I just got an Ipod. I got one that holds 3,700 songs but it was about $350 when I was done buying everything I needed. I like it but, I think I would have been better off getting something smaller.

No way, you can't top the iPod. Its worth every cent.

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Griffin offers an FM tuner for the ipod (or at least they did, i dont see it on the site now), I have it, and it works great.

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The ipod looks bigger then most of the mp3 players I've seen. I would like one that fits into my pocket without mush of a buldge or anything. The pics on the site show people holding it, and I've seen much smaller. Fit in your palm smaller.

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i was gonna buy an iPod but i want something with radio too so i think i will buy something smaller with radio

Creative is coming out with an Ipod-like mp3. Similar look, components, but has fm radio.

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I would highly suggest this-

Creative Muvo Slim

It is perfect, small, lightweight, radio and lots of memory. I got the 265mb one and I have 65 songs and counting. Also, I think there coming out with a 512mb version and if thats not enough memory, you should be looking at ipods and not mp3 players. It also comes with a rechargeable battery and some software but I use the drag and drop. If you need anymore questions just ask me.

EDIT- On the website it says it comes in 512mb and 1gb. I should have got with the times. Also people have said that the battery cover is filmsy...i agree but you only open it once(to put battery in) and thats all you need.

Heres some more links

Creative Muvo Slim- europe...more info and pictures

Review and Video that shows how small it really is

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