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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Barrie Colts

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Did anyone (from Canada, GTA) see the clip from the Barire Colts Skills Comp. on City TV? In the breakaway challange, guy comes in...reaches between his legs (ala CheeChoo) picks up the puck on the blade of his stick (ala Crosby) spins around in the low slot...and makes an under hand lacrosse style shot that the goalie was totally stunned & fooled by.

Craziest thing I've EVER seen in hockey.

They played it twice on City TV news, but I can't find a link to the video on the website...and TSN hasn't updated there highlight package, so I'm not sure if they showed it tonight.

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not impossible, I saw some kid do it in a shoot out in roller hockey about 2 years ago. and yes I was impressed and yes my immediate thought was 'wow that kid so much better than me'

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I have a video of someone doing it in roller on my computer, a member on here can do it and posted a video of himself doing it. if somone can tell me how to upload videos then I will.

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I saw someone do something similar quite a few years ago at usa roller nationals, it was one of the team paradise beach boys.

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Ahhh ok yeah, I'm not sure of his username on here, but a guy Jorge I play with is a member and he can pull that. The guy is sick with variations of picking the puck up.

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it seems that doing sweet moves on breakaways is eaiser in roller than ice. it also seems that crazy moves are pulled more in roller than ice

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it seems that doing sweet moves on breakaways is eaiser in roller than ice. it also seems that crazy moves are pulled more in roller than ice

pegs make a puck easier to lift up.

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i can do it in ice i havent tryed it in a game yet though. i plan on doing it this summer, against a shitty team in our league! :lol: lol

note: after watching the video i got a sweeter way of doing it, i come in on the other side full speed (while he is going slow) and come across the slot with it in midspin and put it in far side, its pretty wicked. i cant wait to try it!

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I can do that no sweat...

If I had a digital cam I would film it and show you.

It's just pulling a Michigan between your legs, doing a 360, and then sweeping it into the net.

I wish I had a digital camera for proof...

EDIT: At full speed and on ice, btw.

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That sounds impossible to pull. Who was it that did it?

Don't remember the players name....

Regina...I'm in awe....wish I could pull that stuff off....hell, a goal now and then is nice enough. Forget the flashy stuff.

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lol if you think thats me who did it, its not. :ph34r: The most i can muster is the 360 "crosby". But then again I've never tried this move.

-Edit- Also does anyone else enjoy this aspect of the game, I love going to stick and pucks and trying out new things like this, and watching other people do it to. Robbie Schremp can do some insane things to if anyone seen the special on Sportsnet I belive it was.

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I'm in awe....wish I could pull that stuff off....hell, a goal now and then is nice enough. Forget the flashy stuff.

lol i hear that .. i mean i can pick the pcuk up but i cant do crazy spins or going full speed

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that move isnt that hard to do, but in a game thats a different story. my biggest problem is i like to use a little longer stick so it makes it a little tougher.

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Although this shits cool to do (my fav useless trick is pickin it up on the backhand using only your top hand), you'll never see something that blatant in a game. I try to work on funky stuff thats actually useful ie:

Hemmed into the corner facing out, and you have a guy on your squad coming into the middle, try and bank the puck off the first 6 inches before the post so it goes 90 degrees out into the slot.

Breakin up the wing with a player on the far side streaking, from the redline shoot it in hard on the ice to the first 3 feet after the goaline in the corner. The puck will bounce back and land perfectly onto the wingers tape to carry in or one time. The d usually try to turn around thinking it will be in the corner, and that gives your winger the chance to fly past, straight on home.

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I wouldnt recommend anyone pulling anything flashy after what I saw last night...this kid TRIED the Michigan behind the net.He was no where close to picking it up but it was obvious and on that guy's next shift he got boarded.The guy that boarded him got booted.The guy that got boarded left the game.Was able to skate off but didnt come back.

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I wouldnt recommend anyone pulling anything flashy after what I saw last night...this kid TRIED the Michigan behind the net.He was no where close to picking it up but it was obvious and on that guy's next shift he got boarded.The guy that boarded him got booted.The guy that got boarded left the game.Was able to skate off but didnt come back.

yeah a few kids on my team would always try to pull off the flashy stuff, and i was waiting for someone to lay him out....sure enough, it happened towards the end of the season, and got his bell rung pretty good.

but anyways, that still is a sick move, slow mo or not....

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In roller, I let it slide. In Ice I go head hunting, someone tried the michigan move on us in Highschool (our last year we were pretty weak and our goalie was a houseleague grade 9, maybe 5'2 110 lbs), I then tried to break his arm. It didn't work for the kid.

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