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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Tightness etc

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I know some of u may think this is a pointless topic but i really want to know how tight you guys have ur skates, where u have it tight, loose etc plz answer also cuz i havent been skatin long maybe 4 months or summin 1 - 2 times a week my skates seem to go outwards as if i have a difficult time keepin my legs / ankles straight, weak ankles maybe, should i have my skates as tight as possible to help, this any suggestions ? :)

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It's all what feels good to you. I like my skates tied up tight. A friend of mine played high school with Steve Heinz brother Andy and said that kid could skate an entire practice at full speed without even tying his skates. It's all about how you like your skates.

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You need to develop you skating muscles in your legs. You use different muscle groups for skating as opposed to running or walking.

Lace your skates up a touch snugger than you would your shoes or sneakers.

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i keep the front of the skate fairly loose and by my ankle as tight as i can.After about 10 minits of skating it all evens out and is perfect.

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I just give one little tug at each eyelet, nothing super tight.

same here

i like to have some forward flexion at the ankles but not so my whole foot can come out of the skate

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I lace mine snug but not super tight up to the bend in my foot then I lean on 'em pretty good up to the top.

Pretty much the same for me, looser at the bottom then tighten them up around the ankles.

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Snug is really all you need but bad habits are learned young. With parents tying skates tight the kids learn to like that and it sticks with them their whole career.

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It's a lot easier to be stable and learn to skate if you don't have to worry about how your skates flex. Just tie them as tight as possible keeping circulation. Since you're new at it, you shouldn't be able to tie them too tight anyhow (no offence, it just takes practice).

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Snug is really all you need but bad habits are learned young. With parents tying skates tight the kids learn to like that and it sticks with them their whole career.

my dad tied my skates when i was a mite/1st year squirt. i cudnt get them tight enuff. whats wrong with that?

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I would say tightening the laces depends on how good a match your skates are for your feet in terms of shape and volume. My feet aren't a perfect match for my skates, so my results will be different than yours. Anyway, I tie my skates just snug near the forefoot, reasonably tight in the mid foot to ankle so my heel isn't lifting.

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