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Which is harder?

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Ok, so I'm in an argument with a few of my buddies about skating vs. running for a long period of time, lets say 30 mins. Being basketball players they say its harder to run for that amount of time, but me being the only hockey player in the group thinks otherwise. I say its harder to skate at the same rate for 30 mins than it is to run. Then you have to take in all the other factors. You need good balance on skates but not for running. Also, they think skating is easy as you can glide, but I'm sure all of you here can vouch for me in saying that we seldomyly glide during a game.

So, what do you guys think on this subject?

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Skating is tougher IMO. Hell, even with no equipment just the weight of skates is more of a drain.

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stix , where are you from. i have almost the same argument with my friends everyday,. they just dont get hockey, i live in a small town and im the only hockey player in the whole entire town. i have to drive an hour for games and practices every week.

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Exactly rausch, by the way I'm from massachusetts. I'm one of 5 hockey players in my grade, and all my friends play bball, they just dont get what it takes to play hockey. They're like o yea i can skate, im like skating in a game and skating around aimlessly at public skating is different.

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I played a lot of basketball when I was growing up, ok getting older, and very seldom do you actually run very hard for very long.

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I played a lot of basketball when I was growing up, ok getting older, and very seldom do you actually run very hard for very long.

I see you're point chadd. But we're arguing that if you just took two people, and one on ice and once on a track, and said ok skate as hard as you can and run as hard as you can, which one is harder, I say skating, but theres just too many factors that come into play with skating versus running

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there are so many factors that can affect it heat,hummidity,indoor track or out door track. I deffinitally am gonna go with skating tho because if we miss a practice and our coach makes us skate hard for 5 minutes stops and starts im much more tired than i am if i were to do the same for running.

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Running is much harder. however, running doesn't really describe basketball, there's alot of standing around, alot moreso than hockey at least. Basketball vs. Hockey, I saw Basketball is easier, physically fit wise, but running vs skating for being tired? I say running without a doubt.

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Overall, I believe skating is harder than running. But, if you were to put the same exact amount of effort in running and skating, or skating and running, which will get you further the quickest/longest on an infinite straight away? I'd say skating, which in turn means that less effort in skating=same distance traveled if running and additional effort. But, this is essentially a different question than the one you asked, just a different way to look at it.

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I definately think running is harder if you're just going around a track. If you're doing starts/stops skating is harder because it hurts the knees after a while.

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Running is much harder. however, running doesn't really describe basketball, there's alot of standing around, alot moreso than hockey at least. Basketball vs. Hockey, I saw Basketball is easier, physically fit wise, but running vs skating for being tired? I say running without a doubt.

I agree 100%. hit the nail on the head imo

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I think it all depends. People who run alot would probbly think running is eaiser, as they are more used to it. Where I think skating is much eaiser since I skate alot more than I run. I would be able to skate at a moderate pace for an 30min or so without getting terribly tierd. Where if someone told me to run at a moderate pace for an 30min or so I would get tierd much faster. But if you mean if there HAS to be one thats harder then the other lets look at it this way. If you took two people, a skater and a runner of equal skill, and sent them both off at a moderate pace. I think the runner would get tierd first. As the skater does not have to work as hard due to the skates doing some of the work from him. Just my 2 cents.

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on a basic principle what your doing when skating is pushing hard enough to glide forward on the other foot. In running there is no gliding at all. Do a test, go out for a rollerblade, say 10 minutes. Watch your heart rate, then go for a run the next day, same amount of time, watch your heart rate. I have done alot of things for Cardio and I have found running to be the hardest because you cannot stop. It seems like everything else has some glide to it.

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I think it depends. Running is pretty tiring because you're moving your legs the whole time. When you skate you can stop moving your legs and just glide. But like someone said earlier, in Basketball theres a lot of times when your just standing still or walking. I think soccer is a sport that requires more running and is harder on the legs than Basketball.

What really gets me tired in hockey though is all the stops & starts. When I do drills like ladders and stuff... o man, Im dead.

There's a reason why NHL shifts are only about 45 seconds long...

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Running as fast as you can for 30 straight minutes is a LOT harder than skating as fast as you can for 30 straight minutes. Now i'm not talking about basketball vs. hockey, i'm just talking about purely skating vs. running.

When you compare the two sports, hockey is a lot tougher and a lot more demanding than basketball.

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...Two totally different muscle groups, though. I'll tell you, even though my hockey team does a few dryland practices a week, I am still having issues acquiring my "land legs" at baseball practice. It's to the point now where I feel much more natural skating on ice than I do walking on dry ground.

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Agreed. I started to play softball about a month ago for the first time in about 12 years and I could barely run! I was sore the first couple of weeks.

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I was sore the first couple of weeks.

I hear you. I thought I'd be okay with all the dryland work my hockey team does during the season, but I guess I was wrong. I feel at total ease on the ice: smooth, quick, solid. At baseball, though, I feel a little clumsy; the "exceptional" range I had last year that had landed me the starting job at short before the first try-out has dwindled to "average" over the winter. We've been going for a few weeks now, and I feel like it's starting to come back slowly. Hopefully I'll be back to normal within the next few days...

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One thing to consider. Lets say you had a 2 mile long frozen river. A guy with skates is on the river and a runner is on a road next to the river. Who gets to the 2 mile mark first? I think the skater gets there so much quicker, because he can put out the same amount of effort, but be going 20 miles per hour the whole way! The poor runner has to very inefficiently keep his body moving at 4 mph.

If both were on land, the pro runner will win, but not necessarily because he is better conditioned or stronger. It is because his running form will be more efficient (he has worked years on perfecting the most efficient form). On ice, the skater is so much more efficient due to the skates.


A more interesting question to determine manliness: If you were the skater on the frozen river, and a guy was on a bicycle next to the river, who wins the race?

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They're very different. Running distances doesn't really compare with skating for hockey because hockey requires both aerobic and anaerobic strength. Hockey is much more like sprinting because it requires bursts of intense activity. Running distances does have some physical demands that skating for hockey doesn't, such as the stress and strain on ankles, shins, calf muscles and knees. Hockey requires more power from the quads, gluteals and hip flexors.

Basketball puts a lot of stress and strain on your ankles and knees, especially if you play inside and have to go up for rebounds and shot blocking. And anybody who says basketball's not physical never took a charge from a power forward.

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I agree with Otto.

Overall, however, I would have to say running is harder. It's less fluid than skating, and the physical pounding on the joints (for fatter folks, such as myself) is much more physically demanding long term on the body (we're just talking about the actual act of skating vs. running - not comparing sports after all).

Running also has more friction/resistance one has to fight against. One can not "glide" in running.

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I think running is much harder as far as getting tired, but skating at a high pace, stopping and starting is killer on the legs.

So for getting tired, running is way harder, skating is more aching for the legs.

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