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Stop Sign?

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Minor hockey has stop signs on the back to remind players that it's not okay to two hand another player from behind.

S.T.O.P. = Safety To Other Players.

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Originally the intent was to remind players not to check the other player if they could see the sign. As I understand it was to reduce the checks from behind.

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In Canada we also have "STOP" helmet stickers for minor hockey. The stickers are endorsed for use on Bauer / Nike helmets.

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yeah I seen the red stop signs on the back, and I've seen green stickers on the front of the helmets, which as I know it is if you see red, stop if you see green all ahead full.

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I live in ontario and never had the stop stickers but we do have the mcdonalds stop signs. They used to be sponsered by Chunky(the soup).

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That is the intent.  But it is probably a bad choice of color--like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

It's not the color of the cape that makes a bull charge, it is the motion.

As for the color, I think it is quite appropriate for the jersey stop sign since people are so used to seeing red stop signs on a road.

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I live in ontario and never had the stop stickers but we do have the mcdonalds stop signs. They used to be sponsered by Chunky(the soup).

Same thing. Edit: Just checked mine, it says stop, and has the 'M' above it. I also live in ontario.

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I had to wear stop signs before I could even check in squirts, they are to prevent kids from checking from behind. Although serious injuries can occur if kids get hit from behind, I dont think you see the stop sign as you're doing it.

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I think the stop signs are a pretty good idea, even in rec hockey I get hammered from behind, some folks need to just chill out.....

These aren't huge stop signs on your jersey(just letting you know incase you've never seen them). I honestly don't see them at all when I'm flying around on the ice. The sign is about the size of my closed fist. I think the idea is to remind kids when they're putting on the jersey before the game.

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to remind players that it's not okay to two hand another player from behind.

Are you nuts? I dont think its really that great if you do that from any position. Were did you here that from.

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when your playing, if somones just out there to hit and they dont care how your facing, a stop sign wont do anything. when you play you can barly see them. players just need to have some more respect for their opponents and not hit from behind

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If a kid is going to make a hit from behind, a stupid little stop sign isn't going to do anything. In my opinion they look idiotic on the jerseys, and if the kid needs to be reminded not to hit from behind, he shouldn't be on the ice.

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In Canada we also have "STOP" helmet stickers for minor hockey. The stickers are endorsed for use on Bauer / Nike helmets.

No, not in all of Canada. Only on the back of jersey's in BC

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As far as I know they were mandatory in Canada about 4 years ago. They stayed on most of my jerseys for the past couple years but this year our new jersey set had no stop sign. In Calgary and/or Edmonton most of the lower minor hockey teams have them silk screened right on the jersey.

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a creative marketing company blew this out of porpotion and now we have this monster. At least that's how it seems, sombody thought it was a good idea, produces them for 3 or 4 teams, and all the adults think they're the greatest sh*t on earth because they think that a 3 inch stop sign will save little jimmy from being paralyzed playing Mite hockey.

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