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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Ctrl V game!

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I saw this on another message board and people had some pretty interesting things....Just reply and press Ctrl V to paste in whatever the last thing you copied was...

If we're the flagship of peace and prosperity

We're taking on water and about to #$@@!%' sink

State of the union address,

reads war torn country still a mess

the words: power, death, and distorted truth

are read between the lines of the red, white, and blue

I got song lyrics from Rise Against...

Happy pasting :)

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I saw this on another message board and people had some pretty interesting things....Just reply and press Ctrl V to paste in whatever the last thing you copied was...

I saw this on another message board and people had some pretty interesting things....Just reply and press Ctrl V to paste in whatever the last thing you copied was...

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In discussing industries that are neither monopolies nor p-competitive, economists have tended to begin from the four characteristics of a p-competitive industry. We recall that those characteristics are:

Many buyers and sellers

A homogenous product

Sufficient knowledge

Free entry

Competition can be "imperfect" in an industry if the industry deviates from any one of the four. Thus, if there are just a few firms (but more than one), deviating from the first characteristic, the industry is said to be an "oligopoly." Since the nineteen-twenties, economists have also discussed the situation when an "industry" deviates only in the second characteristic. This is called "monopolistic competition," and we have "monopolistic competition" when a group of firms sell closely related, but not homogenous products. Instead, the products are said to be "differentiated products." Thus, the characteristics of "monopolistic competition" are:

Many buyers and sellers

Differentiated products

Sufficient knowledge

Free entry

To say that products are differentiated is to say that the products may be (more or less) good substitutes, but they are not perfect substitutes. For an example of a monopolistically competitive "industry" we may think of the hairdressing industry. There are many hairdressers in the country, and most hairdressing firms are quite small. There is free entry and it is at least possible that people know enough about their hairdressing options so that the "sufficient knowledge" condition is fulfilled. But the products of different hairdressers are not perfect substitutes. At the very least, their services are differentiated by location. A hairdresser in Center City Philadelphia is not a perfect substitute for a hairdresser in the suburbs -- although they may be good substitutes from the point of view of a customer who lives in the suburbs but works in Center City. Hairdressers' services may be differentiated in other ways as well. Their styles may be different; the decor of the salon may be different, and that may make a difference for some customers; and even the quality of the conversation may make a difference. A very good friend of mine changed hairdressers because her old hairdresser was an outspoken Republican. My friend said that she just couldn't take it any more without answering back -- and it's not a good idea to get into a controversy with one's haircutter!

<_< school research

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Senior civil servants should be appointed because of merit, rather than of political patronage, because it creates a formal system where the best for the system are promoted so the public benefits having a capable person employed in the right position. Political patronage can cause corruption within a government and harm the nation it presides over. Merit promotes people based on their talents and skills rather. The duties of a civil servant will be defined and the roles they play in society. Knowing what political patronage entitles is important in understanding why it is important to promote based on the merit of the applicant. It is important to have strong civil servants whose concerns are with the people and not their own, financial, gain. Appointing civil servants based on political patronage can be detrimental to that particular society as they are being rewarded on their devotion towards the people in power rather than their ability to do a certain jobs. They should be chosen on their ability to meet the requests of the employer because a community is depending on them to provide services which are necessary to a prosperous society.

--> Intro paragraph to an 8 page essay. Transferring from Word to Hotmail.

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(¯`·._.·||. *alε* .||·._.·´¯) awwwww Chris Your soooo Cute says:

to many guys like me

(¯`·._.·||. *alε* .||·._.·´¯) awwwww Chris Your soooo Cute says:

and im just like ahhhh

Was showing my friend this gurl's answer to why she didn`t have a boyfriend, she asked why, little concieted eh. And yes that's me in her name...

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you can tell alot about a person by the type of underwear they wear. like you granny panties i bet

was lookin at some animal house quotes

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