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Hefter helmet "coming soon" to thepenaltybox.com

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Does the CCM 652 have the same style padding as the 4000 and HC95?

extremely hard and uncomfortable

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yea, i found that kind of foam to be really uncomfortable. not only was it really hard and didn't fit my head properly, my hair stuck to it and it hurt a lot when the helmet moved at all. also, the "gel packs" in the 5000/8000 aren't actually gel, they're covered foam that feels like gel, and they're only there for comfort. the real protection of EPP helmets comes from the EPP collapsing slightly when it gets impacted.

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Dear god.... I hope that price is in CAD (and even if it is... wow...)

$200CDN for a helmet without a cage is a little much to you? Wimp ;)

If someone is willing to spend $200 or more on a stick that may only last a month or two, why not spend that much on a helmet that will last several years?

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Dear god.... I hope that price is in CAD (and even if it is... wow...)

$200CDN for a helmet without a cage is a little much to you? Wimp ;)

If someone is willing to spend $200 or more on a stick that may only last a month or two, why not spend that much on a helmet that will last several years?

Probably because Hefter doesn't have a track record that the helmet will even last a month or two ;)

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Dear god.... I hope that price is in CAD (and even if it is... wow...)

$200CDN for a helmet without a cage is a little much to you? Wimp ;)

If someone is willing to spend $200 or more on a stick that may only last a month or two, why not spend that much on a helmet that will last several years?

Probably because Hefter doesn't have a track record that the helmet will even last a month or two ;)

If that helmet had an Easton logo it wouldn't matter about the lack of a history making helmets. Easton could make one that sells for $250 US and it would sell out.

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True, but $200 (cad) for a helmet that is virtually unheard of is why I balk at the price (well.... that and the fact that it's suggested retail price is $139 usd, and at today's exchange rate, that place is charging $169).

If it had an Easton logo would I be more comfortable with the product? Perhaps, but that's because I am familiar with their product and if something should go wrong I'd have a higher comfort level with their standing behind their product and that they'd still be around in a year.

There's sort of the same argument with the Kor skates (which Marcello may have talked me into trying, actually, just found a place locally that offers the test drive program. Since the bone spur on my foot is apparently growing larger causing my current skates to be too narrow in the toe box, I am loosely on the skate market). It's a brand you haven't heard of so even if it's a better product, it takes a bit moore effort to get consumers to try a new brand if it's a high dollar item.

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The helmet is supposed to be better protecting and the Zorbium more comfortable fit. So, I'd say, if the helmet shape was the same for your head (i.e., not being an issue of one being too round, or too narrow) then one would think that the Hefter materials would make it more comfortable on your mellon.

However, I have not seen one in person, so am merely relaying what I have heard on the subject.

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I agree with you about it being a difficult sale. I inquired about selling them last year and the reponse was less than impressive. Considering the minimums, cost and the fact they wanted orders before you could see anything otehr than a drawing of the helmet, we passed on them. Until I can actually check it out, and touch it, there's no way we're going to order them.

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...and this brand is entirely brand new, its not like they built up credibility (even though in an entirely different line of equipment) like RBK.

Haha, RBK has zero history in the sport but they have good marketing so whatever they sell must be great.

I have nothing against the RBK stuff and some of it is quite good, but it doesn't help you prove your point.

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...and this brand is entirely brand new, its not like they built up credibility (even though in an entirely different line of equipment) like RBK.

Haha, RBK has zero history in the sport but they have good marketing so whatever they sell must be great.

...are you supporting my point or are you arguing it?

That's exactly what I was saying, minus the whatever they sell must be great.

I could walk down the street to my LHS, and ask guys inside if they have heard of Hefter. Ask them if they would shell out 200 bones for a helmet. Then I could ask the same guy if he would be willing to do the same thing for an RBK, I can assure you the answers would differ. Why? Because simply put, RBK is a known name, and Hefter is not. It's the same thing in every facet of life, whether it be food, appliances, clothes, supplies, colors, etc..

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Haha, RBK has zero history in the sport but they have good marketing so whatever they sell must be great.

So, you don't think CCM had anything to do with Reebok's hockey program? My brother used to work for Reebok, and I got the impression that CCM was involved in some of the development process - but he wasn't on that program per say, so perhaps I am mistaken.

I could walk down the street to my LHS, and ask guys inside if they have heard of Hefter. Ask them if they would shell out 200 bones for a helmet. Then I could ask the same guy if he would be willing to do the same thing for an RBK, I can assure you the answers would differ. Why? Because simply put, RBK is a known name, and Hefter is not. It's the same thing in every facet of life, whether it be food, appliances, clothes, supplies, colors, etc..

That comes back to my original point - marketing emphasizes the concept called branding. People are comfortable with the name, and believe known attributes about their product (performance, durability, whatever they percieve) carry over to the new program.

PLUS.... will Hefter be around in a year? Who knows? But... will Reebok? No problem! Also, if you were to have a problem with Hefter, will they stand behind their product? Do you have those same kind of doubts with Reebok?

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I met up with a guy who I used to deal with back in FL the other day up here in MI, and he's making a hockey helmet. We talked for a good hour about it...he's getting it ready for CSA/HECC certification. It'll be different for sure.

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