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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any good comebacks?

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I am not good at talking trash at all. I am usually the quiet one when it comes to staring someone down. But tonight my team is playing in our floor hockey championship game. We are trying to repeat our championship last year, and the team we are playing we beat earlier in the season. But there is one kid on the team that talks trash to me the whole time....first off it's floor hockey, but it gets on my nerves. He keeps calling me a tool because I wear my gloves. It sort of makes me laugh, but do you guys have any thoughts? Any good comebacks and/or trash-talking advise?

Sorry I am just really bored right now.

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The next time he brings up your gloves just say, "You're just mad because they don't match your purse." Then, either you fight or he shuts up.

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From Napoleon Dynamite-

"Your mom goes to college!"

thers no come back to that he;d probably be left with a blank stair trying to think of something to say the end up say so does yours.

another good one is winking and/or blowing kisses at the person the dont expect it and the cant think of anything quick enough.

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I don't generally talk much "trash". I tend to use the words "bobby big wheel" and "Drunk" followed by multiple curses then something small. like in your situation.

"Easy there Bob big wheel, just because your Mother F*** Sh**ty A** is on on Fu** welfare doesn't mean I have to be"

or else

"You've gotta be f** drunk to not wear gloves out here to now wear some F****ing gloves, Too many Crazy a** Bobby big wheels, thinking they are F** hero's" The quickly followed by Chadds suggestion

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Ask him if he wants to know why you wear gloves, then slash his hands.

Or tell him if he's got half as many crabs as his mom, you need all the protection you can get.. ;)

Hah now that is one comeback.

Usually I just call people dirtbags/make fun of them/make fun of their families. But this character you are talking about..you know that you need a hero cookie when you trash talk someone in FLOOR HOCKEY. Go with Eazy's method, or just dangle them and snipe a gino.

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What Sherwood said...give their tendy a sunburn, point at the scoreboard (given your squad is winning) then laugh in the plugs face the entire way back to the bench.

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I think one of the best things you can do is say something that makes no sense whatsoever. Just confuse the hell out of them, but use that one very rarely. If you really want to get him, make fun of something about his physical appearance, such as a big nose or unibrow, and keep repeating it. Sticking to one thing usually works well, like what hes saying about your gloves.

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I agree with the guys that say to let your actions do the talking.

During any given game I don't ever say more than a couple sentences ever when I'm playing, and that's usually to the ref.

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Ask him if he wants to know why you wear gloves, then slash his hands.

Alternatively, slash him and then say "that's why". He doesn't get any warning that way.

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Let him beak away at ya for a while...at every face off...just be quiet...don't say anything.

Stone Faced.

Then score a goal and when you line up for the face off after just look at thim and put your finger to your lips and go *SHHHHH*


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if he says anything about your mom say

"leave my mom outta this before i stick this (crotch grab) in your mom"

I also agree with saying something completely off the wall, or as I once saw on comedy central, start fighting with him about something completely different. He says something about your gloves, start fighting with him about why balls are round for example.

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Tell him if he has a problem with your gloves you'd glady drop them, to kick his ass. Then if you want you can go into the ol' D2 The Mighty Ducks method and stick- GLOVE - and shirt him. Unless this is on of those really freaky huge kids.

What a dork picking on somebody in floor hockey. Well wait I just thought of another one.

Ask him "what happened in the past that you had to resort to picking on people in floor hockey. wooooooo tough guy"

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thanks for the help guys, but the guy didn't show, his team didnt make it like I thought they did. (they were up 7-3, dont know what happened).

And besides, we lost the championship 8-7 with 3.6 seconds left!!!!! How? You think you are going into OT, then a fluke! Ohh well it is just Floor Hockey, but I hate to lose, Especially in the last game. :angry::angry::angry:

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