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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite other sport

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Other Sports??????

Seriously...I don't really play anything else. I started playing golf last year, but that will be a while before I can call that a fave. We're puttng a ball team into a local Media league this year. I haven't played since College, and that was just Rec, so that should be fun.

After hockey...I love watching Football.

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Drinking? Other than that, I'd say golf. Not that the two are mutually exclusive with my friends.

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Obviously, hockey trumps everything. But, in the rare event that I'm not at the rink or the gym, I'm usually playing baseball (HS and Midget A summer ball), tennis (usually in singles tournaments, every-so-often a buddy of mine will enter doubles with me), golf (all hockey players play golf, right?), a little bit of basketball (just fun with friends, nothing really organized - I did play JV back in 8th grade, though). I was the quarterback for the football team, but my hockey coach didn't like the idea of me getting hurt playing another sport, so he nixed that pretty quick.

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Baseball- a nice off season sport from the long hockey season

golf- also a relaxing off season sport

hoops in the driveway

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