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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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favortie video game

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I don't game that much, but I like GTA: SA, and the other 2 as well. I liked Metal Gear Solid, the one on the ship and the big building in the sea. I liked NHL 2004 too, that's about it.'

And Halo 2 is amazing at tourneys and hanging out with your buds.

Also, oldschool Super Nintendo, Donkey Kong was easily the best game ever.

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I don't play video games that much, maybe once or twice a month, but right now I'm playing the new Splinter Cell. Great game, but its frustrating as hell.

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Tony hawks underground 1 and 2, nfsu2, nhl 05, and 007 everything or nothing. Those are probably my top five games in random order right now.

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Grand Prix Legends (for those who think Gran Turismo is a "simulator" and not an arcade i suggest to try it)

Live for speed (yes it is live not "need" and same "simulation" as GPL)

Racer beta7.4

All EA NHL from 96

Ghost Recon, but also the rainbow six series

Alien vs Predator (only the first)

Half Life (only the first, my pc is too slow for hl2...)

The last two are very funny in multyplayer!

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i played competitive counter-strike in germany, ive been #6 on the german championship in berlin 2001.

despite that i got some cash and hardware ;)

but it got boring and i stopped cause i hated being on the pc all day.

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NHL 1995

Castlevania: SOTN !!!

Original Mortal Kombat, Ultimate MK3, and the last two MK's

Original Streetfighter II and it's numerous variations.

Mario Kart orignal and 64

Mario 3, Super Mario World

hahahah, and Ducktales for the old school Nintendo!

I was also one of the few idiots that bought a Sega CD system.........had a game called Double Switch that I loved.

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I would like to add Blades of Steel, and that cool old soccer game for NES where you could knock people out with bicycle kicks.

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