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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite food

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i like a lot of (unhealty) things but i dont eat them cause im looking on my weight..

i would pick french fries

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Wow I dont think I could pin just one food, I really like seafood, pizza, tacos and all mexican food, just about any kind of fast food. Really, I will eat anything.

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Asparagus and Brussels Sprouts. And I'm not joking. As big as I am, 6'5" 278lbs most people think I just eat steak and drink gravy, but I am a living, breathing vegetarian. BTW, meat is not murder, I am just trying to lose more weight.

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Too much good stuff!

Baba's home made perogies with lots of sour cream

My Mom's rice (white rice + beef oxo + bacon + onions) with ketchup and sweet & sour meat balls

Rigatoni with dumplings



BBQ Pork Chops

Yeah, that's about it :P

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I really don't like any meat that has a lot of fat on it. I am a big fan of Chicken Parm, when it is made well. I like NY style subs, Caesar salad, kiwi's, cucumbers. That's about it, I can't come to a favorite.

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filet minion(sp?)



steak and bacon or filet minion

beef pot pie

chicken pot pie






just about any vegatable

well ill eat just about anything, and like just about anything so its kinda hard for me to pick just one thing, so i picked the first 12 that came to mind.

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