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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How did you find MSH?

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I remember wanting to buy a Nike Apollo which I never did, I was looking for reviews so I googled Nike Quest Apollo Shaft review or something along that sort and clicked Modsquadhockey and read the shaft review, i think it was Buzz_lightbeer's review.

So, how did you find MSH?

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Poster "Accord" mentioning about skates and stuff in the Hockeyfuture/rink thread. He mentioned something about the puckmugger guy being paid by ccm in jest on epinions on the modsquad board. So I checked this place out and it is my leading forum now.

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I was looking to get back to skating when my son started to learn. Did a search for "hockey equipment reviews" and this was one of the results. Singed up and have been reading daily. Finally started to post. Great site with alot of knowledge.

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one of them mods told me on aol the 2nd day modsquad was opened.

Same for me...

I actually had the privilege to see this site in construction! (I came over from Corebeam)

Have been addicted to this forum since day 1! :D Although I don't post as much as the other members here, I'm surfing on this site at a daily base.

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I came over from CB on either the first or second night, I was on the EMB, but found out about CB generally from searches on equipment.

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I found EMB first about 3 yrs ago and kept reading "at corebeam.net".

I thought it was some sort of fan club for the old Koho shaft :blink::rolleyes:

I finally went to Corebeam and it was like "zoinks!" So much info!

Of course corebeam tanked and I followed the migration to MSH!

I really feel that any LHS owner who does not know about this site is missing out on A LOT I repeat A LOT of info.

Either the guys around my area are clueless or I don't talk to them enough.

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Asked Goaliestore.com forum if there was a site like that for players they directed me to CoreBeam... and then I followed the sexy people to MSH tehehehe :D

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I finally went to Corebeam and it was like "zoinks!" So much info!

lol, he said "zoinks" :D anyway...

I used to go on the EMB back when I was around 15, then after I got kicked off there for saying Easton Sucks, I went over to CB, and now I'm almost 19 and I'm here... it's like I grew with some of you guys... sniff sniff


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Like most of us, got traded from Corebeam to ModSquad. Found Corebeam while looking at Nike skate pics.

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