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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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These are our jerseys for our team comprised primarily of air traffic controllers. I think they're hella tight.

Me all yellowed out....


James (43%burnt) skating with purpose....


James displaying his disdain for tie-ups....


My idea of aggressive forechecking and Layne's awesome purple pants....


And, yes, I know my yellows don't quite match. Even in the NHL, the Oilers' pants are a different blue than their jerseys and socks but this is of little consolation, I still struggle with this sad fact daily. (It would be nice if my MIAs said Warrior.....)

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I love the jerseys, but with such nice jerseys it should be absolutely mandatory to have exactly matching kits...

That goes both for purple pants and your yellow bucket.

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Yeah, James is sad he missed it but I made him empty his bank account this year on those sweet gloves, the tourney in Vancouver, his motorcycle, and Chipotle.

We have the enviable situation of 3 controllers at the center being aspiring photographers so I have over 1000 high-quality pics they took of us this season. Much better than my wife awkwardly filming my fledgling goaltending efforts interspersed with 4-minute interludes of sideways shots of her purse.

The purple pants have a storied past. I don't think I could bring myself to ask Layne to part with them.

Thanks for the kind words. Makes me feel better after we failed to win the best jerseys award at our tournament. We lost out to a gimmicky set of jail-striped unis that mocked the FAA's criminally imposed work rules. They were pretty cute but we looked better.

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Yep, add a compliment to the yellow MIA's, those look great. Wish I could splurge on a pair as we speak.

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Not my teams' jerseys per se, since they're horribly dull, but my personal 'fun' one:

p1000173iz4.th.jpg p1000174co1.th.jpg p1000172fo5.th.jpg

Sorry for the thumbnails, but for reasons I can't recall, these are friggin' huge.

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Here our my ghetto BU inline jerseys.




there are 3 different shades of red on that white jersey: the embroidered numbers, iron-on lettering, and the "explosion" trim

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those salem jerseys are sick... nice number too :)

Thanks man. I didn't really want 11, I got stuck with it freshman year and just kept it all 4 years. I got used to it but I would have rather had 14.

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the ones on the left are our current jerseys. we've been using them for 2 years.

(me and my older brother) the maroon one is the old one( thats my little bro).

we have new jerseys coming this week. Black jersey, red and yellow logo.

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WTF, you tried to sneak in those two white dudes (middle back row, partially hidden) by strategically tanning them? haha

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