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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how do i make a sticky roll?

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i was wondering if anyone knew how to make a good sticky roll? an old buddy and teammate used to have one that i would borrow from time to time but he's moved and i'm left without anything to use. i don't like how a lot of the "grips" on the shafts feel and how they peel after a period of time. also, i'm a little picky with where the grip is on the stick.

so if anyone could give me a 'recipe' on how to make a good one, i'd greatly appreciate it.

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Good question -

Take a broken stick to make a "handle" then either take friction tape and basically tape over and over on the handle. If you don't want black streaks, you can take white tape. The trick with the white tape is that at some point while taping you will have to flip over so that the adhesive is on the outside.

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sorry but what is a sticky roll ??

I've heard it called a few different things, but it's basically a stick kept in the locker room or on the bench with tape on it like JR said. Take the stick and rub the tape down the shaft, transferring the tackiness onto the shaft for grip. A lot more popular before grip coatings on sticks I would imagine. Kinda like pine tar.

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I was watching a Sharks game (a few games back) and saw Blake using a sticky roll. At first, I was not sure what it was, but after a few seconds, I realized that it is a device to add some grip to the shaft of the hockey stick. I now feel complete now knowing the correct term for the item.

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i know tape isn't all that expensive, but if you're on a budget or just for recycling, you can do what i do and use the tape from your blade each time you change it. You just roll in up into a ball with the sticky side out, and rub it on the shaft like a roll, and it works well because by the time it wears off the shaft, your blade bill probably need a new tape job anyway. The only downside is you end up with glue all over your hands, which doesn't happen if you use the above tool. Just some food for thought

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can someone post a pic of one. these descriptions are great, but my imagination has been known be way off sometimes.

Working on pictorals for several of these topics

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if you have seen patrick kane during pregame he grips his stick with what looks to be like a small baseball bat that has tape wrapped inside out several times. i have also heard that you can just tape your whole shaft with tape and leave it on overnight and take it off the next day and it will create that grip on your stick

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I saw one of these in the locker room at the Ducks' practice facility a few weeks ago... I had to ask one of the staff what it was, because it looked so out of place in a room that was so neat and organized.

I would just saw off a broken shaft to about a 12" length, do a quick wrap of a section about 6" wide with friction tape, then tape backwards (as in non-sticky side against the shaft) with white tape, and add more white tape (sticky side out) each time the tape loses its tackiness.

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does using one of these impact the life of the palms in your gloves?

Yes, the plams of my Bauer Vapor XXX gloves didn't last long. My Easton Air Gloves had no problem...maybe it has to do with the material used on the palms of the glove.

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Kind of hard to see in the picture but you should get the idea. Basically take a broken piece of a shaft and start wrapping like a but end. Give it two or three passes to build up a layer, then flip the tape around sticky side up and go to town. Expect to use at least one roll to get it thick enough. One thing to know is that it will take a little bit of trial and error to get the right amount of tack on the stick. The first time I used one I put way too much on, and my palm would actually stick to the shaft when I opened my hand to move it during a game.

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Here's a pretty clear photo. These are sticky rolls used by the Hurricanes when they visited Tampa early last season. At the time, I didn't know what they were till I asked (then) equipment manager Wally Tatomir, who was standing nearby.


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Do they wet it? It looked like it was moving up and down the shaft very easy.

I'm going to attempt to make one of these with the handle of a lint roller.

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Do they wet it? It looked like it was moving up and down the shaft very easy.

I'm going to attempt to make one of these with the handle of a lint roller.

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Do they wet it? It looked like it was moving up and down the shaft very easy.

I'm going to attempt to make one of these with the handle of a lint roller.

They don't wet it. You will want something more heavy duty than a lint roller handle. Once you get a few layers of tape on it starts to get a little heavy.

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