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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    You have absolutely no idea. If I can build it, I will! I tore out the inner plastic mold release liner and scuffed the inside of the shaft with some 60gr sandpaper so the epoxy would have something to bond to. A doubled-up piece of camping pad foam. I really only needed it to press the CF against the inside of the shaft. I also pushed plugs of the same ethafoam into the shaft so the epoxy wouldn't run away from the CF before curing. I cut the foam to the inside dimensions of the shaft. One piece was too thin, so I hot glued two pieces (1/2 x 1.25" x 4" long) together to get it thick enough. Wrapped that with the dry CF and then wrapped the cf with some cheapo sewing thread to compress it smaller than the hole in the shafts. I then saturated the CF and brushed some more inside the shaft and stuffed the plug in. Once it was in both halves, I snipped the thread, which unraveled and let the foam press the CF against the shaft. I clamped it straight and let it cure overnight. The outside was easier--ground into an hourglass shape so the CF was tapered and epoxy/taped it as described above. Sanded smooth and another topcoat of epoxy. I have absolutely no idea. I scrounged some scraps from the composite materials lab at my university 18 years ago. REALLY heavy triaxial (0/45/-45) with the 0 parallel to the shaft. US Composites 635 thin epoxy with medium hardener--leftover from some boatbuilding projects. http://www.uscomposites.com/epoxy.html This probably deserves its own thread!
  2. 1 point
    I was googling around and found some design images of the Easton Mako Skates posted by Will Keegan on his Behance profile ( I believe he is a product designer for Easton Bell Sports) ... Thinking if I should email him and tell him I'm a hopeless and nasty gear slut who is looking to mod out my skates and he is needed on this thread .. What a sick job this guy must have especially if he plays Hockey too.. I would equate that to ummmmm... winning the lottery!?!?!?!?!?! What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when new prototypes are rolled out .. Check this out - https://www.behance.net/gallery/8305497/Easton-Mako-Hockey-Skates I pulled a broken Supreme TotalONE LE stick out of the trash at the local rink and made a foam plug, wrapped CF around the plug, stuffed it inside the stick, and clamped it straight until the epoxy cured. I then sanded down the outside of the stick so the original break wasn't a clean line (more of a ramp--reduce the "stress riser") and wrapped the outside with CF, then wrapped it tightly with electrical tape.Flex might not be PERFECT but when flexing it, it's neither a weak spot (too much bend) or a flat spot (too strong). Figured it would be a good backup stick. It turned into my go-to stick. :) You give new meaning to the term someone's trash is another man's treasure. What did you use as foam ? Which K CF did you use? What Epoxy did you use? Why have you been hiding this from us and where are the pictures.. show it off!!!!!!!
  3. 1 point
    Yea your skates have a thermoplastic, but skates like the APX2/MX3/etc that have a CF sole use 3K Was just curious, as I have never worked with 12K Alligator would be sick!! I am the same way, you should do it just because you can. You already have a backup pair, so why not go for it?! Post pics of the aftermath...
  4. 1 point

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