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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Debated putting this one up here from this past weekend... but I am damn proud of this so, yeah. Hell yeah.
  2. 1 point
    Let's lighten the mood, eh? Did another mod/build for an uncle of mine - he was looking to get into guitar and wanted to spend 300 dollars on a guitar he wasn't gonna be happy with. Was an SRV lover for years (The guy's in his 50s) so I decided to piece together an SRV Strat without the relicwork. Cost me about 150 in parts. CNC'd a Fender body out of Ash at my bud's luthier shop, and picked up a Squier Bullet neck for a tenner off his bud. Gorgeous sounding beginner guitar, with handwound (my work) CS69-spec pickups in there. For 150 bucks, it's quite the beaut. I'm also midway through a Stratocaster Relic Build at the moment. Stay tuned! _____________________________ Currently in my collection: 2012 John Mayer Stratocaster in Monterey Pop finish Blueridge BR-143 2010 Martin OMJM 1997 Gibson Lucille 2010 Gibson Les Paul Traditional
  3. 1 point
    I've had some solid experience with GFS Parts, I use them on almost all the low-end Squier mods I do.
  4. 1 point
    I went to the LHS store this afternoon and got like my 1st and 2nd right skate reheated. I told the Manager my concerns and he spent a hr with me. I couldn't make up my mind which right skate was a better fit so the Manager suggested taking both pairs of skates home and trying them all to make the best two skates out of the four. So I will play some pickup on Friday to try one pair out. Hopefully the one right skate opened up some more and won't cause my foot to be sore anymore. Salisbury, I was talking about the inner liner of the skate back by the heel lock area. Not the foot beds as I know u can change them to something else. I just looked at my first pair of skates and they do the same thing with the liner, so I guess it's normal.
  5. 1 point
    I've been using the HSX gloves for a little over a week now, and they are far and away my new favorite glove. Mako 2 skates... yup. Will get. Interested in the HSX shins, and I'll probably try out the stick. Getting kinda tired of the V9E. On an interesting note, their blade chart in the catalog shows the E7 and E9 still... are we going to get them back mid cycle? I waaaaaaaaaant my Heatley back so much.

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