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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/14 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Sorry, I didn't mean to just throw it out there without clarification. VH stands for Scott Van Horne's company VH Footwear. There's a huge thread on here about the whole history of his current production line, but the short story is Scott's a former Canadian national team speed skater who started making speed skates about 20-years ago and has been making hockey skates for a little over 5 years: first under DASC, which became MLX, which got bought buy Easton and became the Mako, and now VH makes their own skates a lot like the MLX, with some variations made to that design. I'm a huge fan of classic Graf attributes (in a lot but not all of their old skates): lower cut boots, more foot-wrap and much more anatomical fit (for my feet), longer steel, aggressive pitch. I'll finally get to skate in MLX boots once my pair clears customs here, but from what I've gathered, they have a lot more in common with those attributes I like about Graf than they do with other skates on the market, but with newer technology and an extremely thermoformable boot. A few links: VH Footwear thread on here, which has links to VH Footwear's site. MLX thread, which died a horrible death due to seriously sad marketing practices from within MLX. All in all, I'm thrilled about the speedskate's incursion on the hockey market.
  2. 1 point
    sss1987 and Justin, I just wanted to say thank you for explaining the radius benefits. I ended up buying a pair of RPD Shifts on sale and noticed an improvement on the skates. The biggest surprise was how comfortable the skates were! I had the skates baked and played my first game without any pain in my feet! Hopefully the skates last me a long time, every skate that I have owned had boot/outsole separation issues. It's great that the skates have a 1 year warranty, I look forward to using these skates again :)
  3. 1 point
    Arrived today.... The LO's first Jr. size stick....
  4. 1 point
    Debated putting this one up here from this past weekend... but I am damn proud of this so, yeah. Hell yeah.

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