The word is in: I passed my NREMT practical exam yesterday! I still have to take the cognitive/written, but passing the practical is a huge weight off my shoulders.
I get home on Dec 22 and will have it in hand then. Not sure when my first ice session will be, may be hard to find ice due to the holiday. I will post a review after a few months, PM'ing you now.
Just my opinion but I believe edge level to be more critical with FBV than ROH. Just ask the sharpener to show you the edge level on the front and rear of the blade prior to accepting them OR by an edge checker yourself.
After 12 years in the industry working for other shops and operating my own mobile team service, I've finally made the move and opened a full pro shop in a busy dual pad rec facility. I'm excited to embark on this and continue developing my own brand. Time to get 'er done!