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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/17 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    It has been a long time since I've posted on MSH. But, have had a fair amount of change over the last year. I work in Sales and was traveling pretty heavily which was taking it's toll on the family (Wife & 3 kiddos). We weren't in the worst financial situation but it was apparent some change needed to happen. Luckily, an opportunity came up about June/July last year that turned into reality. Started a new job (same profession & industry....just diff. company) in Nov. last year and moved the family in March. It allowed us to clean up debt, purchase a much more appropriate sized home, and start getting in front of our finances properly. It has been a very exciting, fun, stressful, frustrating, and ultimately great experience. Kudos to my wife and kids who helped make everything 100x easier by being the awesome people they are. And I found a rink nearby so I've been able to start playing again after about a 12mo hiatus. So that's nice too!
  2. 4 points
    Steve - Please don't insult the techs who have busted their asses to hone their skillset over time yet have the stamina to do it on a consistent basis. While over the past year, it's been established that is a place for your machine in this industry - from what I've heard from people, it does a good job - I suspect you wouldn't toss this quote up if you were still working on the other side.
  3. 3 points
    With all the aftermarket options still available for the LS2 I wouldn't be too worried. Step is still making steel for the Custom+.
  4. 1 point
    I know I was pretty cryptic in the Venting/Sweet Spots a couple of weeks ago, but I'm slowly getting better at this; over the past few years I've tried to keep things to myself/a certain few, but I think it's good for me to put things out there at this time. A week after Winterfest, my girlfriend noticed that she was leaking something out of her right breast. We went to the hospital and they figured it was just an infection, and put her on antibiotics, but suggested she go get a mammogram. A few weeks later, she got the mammogram, but then they suggested she get a MRI. The MRI showed enough to the point that they recommended a biopsy. In mid-March, they diagnosed her with breast cancer, and recommended removing the right breast. It was detected early; due to one of the locations of the tumors, since it was in the duct, whatever it was creating had a way out through the nipple, which alerted us to what was going on. Due to her family history, she opted to remove both. Hours after, we decided to get married. We pulled off a great wedding in 11 days, and some of our members flew up to Michigan to share that day with us. She's doing well, bandages are off and we will start chemo in early May. The oncologist is saying 3-6 months; we're hoping for the under on that. She is tracking her progress on her GoFundMe page, and will also have a blog soon. Thanks for the support. I have a rather large extended family here!
  5. 1 point
    Haha I figured you meant Lindros, but I couldn’t help but troll ;) Though at the same time, if Kane can wear 88 without anyone complaining then I’m pretty sure Lindros isn’t in THAT category so you’re probably fine!
  6. 1 point
    Tried on both the other week, the 310 is softer than the 710. Ended up going with the 710. Both great helmets!
  7. 1 point
    Well to be fair that's nearly as scientific as the VT study was.
  8. 1 point
    Zac911, Thanks for taking the time to fill us in. Totally understand where you're coming from as a rep. I will say that I do like and respect the acknowledgment of Scott on the tendon guard and on the liner. Classy move on True's end.
  9. 1 point
    Single digit...they're lighter.
  10. 1 point
    We had a guy in our league who wears 7...I mean he wears 7 ALL THE TIME...every year. Fine, guys have favorite numbers. I like 11. This guys connection to 7 is a little beyond 'like'. Midway through the season, they will make trades if one team is running away with it, to keep it competitive. So, #7 gets traded to a team who already had a 7. He offered money to the guy to change numbers. Other #7 was a first year guy and was comfortable, wanted to keep his number 7...so he said no. Obsessed #7 QUIT THE LEAGUE, rather than play without his beloved #7. His original team had little #7 patches sewn onto the shoulder of their jerseys. haha.

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