I used the Warrior Projekt for years and it served me well. You can still find a few on Sideline once in a while. I picked up a True XC9 last year, but have only used it twice due to the covid restrictions in my area. I will finally be able to use it again this week. Compared to the Projekt, it's a little bulkier and more protective, but is still fairly light, mobile and well ventilated. The other girdle I was seriously considering was the Covert. I think the Covert is a good choice if you already tried it and like the way it feels. I probably would have picked it up, but came across a great deal on eBay on the True girdle.
For shoulders, I love my Verbero Shield pads with the caps removed. They're very adjustable, modular and super mobile. https://www.verbero.com/products/shield-hockey-shoulder-pads
If the Verbero Shield was no longer an option, I would consider these: https://starkhockey.com/products/dc9-stark-naked-shoulder-pad