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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/21 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Over 15 years ago when Bauer was in the process of developing the first Supreme One90 with Fusion steel, their RD & D department did perform those exact tests to determine the effects of boot/blade/weight as it relates to player productivity over the 60 minutes of the game. So while some may not believe there is an advantage in reducing the weight of the steel, Bauer took the time to prove it to themselves before diving into Fusion steel. JR and myself are friends of the guys that did the research and designed the Supreme series boots.
  2. 1 point
    Not sure how much this will apply to you, but last time I bough new skates, I dropped down half a size from 5 to 4.5. And yes, I'm an adult. For me, I found that the shorter runner exasperated some of flaws in my skating. From my understanding, as the blade transitions from your profile up to the toe of the skate, with the shorter runner, that transition is more aggressive. An exaggerated way to illustrate this is think of a a hill that takes you up vertically 10ft over a distance of 1 block vs. a hill that does the same over the distance of 1/2 a block. The incline is steeper, so with a skate blade, as I rocked forward, the drop off was quicker, making it easier, for me at least, to get up onto my toes too much, shortening my stride, in addition to also exasperated stability issues. To a certain degree, some of the issues could be address by simply working on my technique more, which I did. But overall, I ended up having to go to a very flat profile to help address my needs, which was fine. Overall, it helped me become a way better skater. For a long while--I've been skating for around 40 years--I'd plateaued with my skating and didn't think I'd be getting much better. But the tighter skate fit allowed me to loosen my laces a lot more, without loss of control, which gave me more ankle mobility, forward and back and side to size, which let me get a more aggressive angle on my inside and outside edge push offs. This also gave me a better feel for my edges. Though, all this didn't just come overnight. I had to work for it, but it was some short term pain for some long term gain. Don't know how much this applies to you, but that's my experience.
  3. 1 point
    Funny, I was on a zoom call last week, saw this app in the presenter’s dock, and immediately thought about how the Bauer logo ripped it off
  4. 1 point
    Not wearing them at the end of one of their levers. Probably have them on their body.

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