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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    In Canada, almost every single player gets their skates profiled. It's almost expected when a customer is buying a pair of skates that they get the steel profiled. It's definitely not as popular in the US but is growing slowly. I can break down our metrics. Beginners don't typically ask for profiling. When presented as an option they usually decline either because they dont see a benefit or dont want to spend the money. According to metrics pulled from our sales that is about 8% of beginner skate sales and this represents 38% of our skate sales total. Intermediate/advanced players have a much higher percentage. Many ask for profiling or want us to match their existing profile with the replicator. This percentage is 36% of intermediate/advanced skate sales and accounts for 62% of our skate sales. Replacement steel we see about 65% of customers request profiling or profile matching.
  2. 1 point
    We were developing a medical garment and I got some insight into digital knitting and the soft goods industry. Yes, there are only a few locations and factories in the world that have certain capabilities and they do the majority of what you wear for big customers. Same with sports equipment, design firms do a lot of the heavy lifting, not everybody has in-house capabilities. I walked the display hallway of a big firm we worked with and they had stuff the designed for Nike, UA, Kobolt Tools, and tons more.
  3. 1 point
    Retail synergy would be 2000s. Easton in the early-mid 90s would be aluminum. I still use a two piece and those original synergy’s were just a fused (tapered) two piece.
  4. 1 point
    How much of your “matching existing profiles” is essentially banana-ing the brand new steel to match the old steel that was been ruined by consistent poor sharpening and other shops?
  5. 1 point
    OMNI Quad 0.5 is my personal favourite with a 92/75 FBV sharpen. A lot of the older guys around here like aslo like a 90/75 FBV. Some of the young AAA kids in the area love a 90/1 for the extra bite. And yes the transitions between the rads on the quads are tangent to each other, but you do have 4 distinct “zones”. The OMNI’s gradually change the local radius as you move down the blade, just like the elipse. But as people have said before, with the OMNI Quads, you know what you are getting. OMNI Quad 1 is 6’ at the toe, and 15’ at the heal smoothly blended. OMNI Quad 0.5 is 8’ at the toe 14’ at the heal… OMNI quad 0, or 2… you know what you are getting. It’s just better In my opinion.

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