Skip them.
I've got lots of gear. 4 different brands and 6 different models of lowers, all pro stock, pants and girdles. Tried these on once, and they just don't rate. I felt totally naked, like I'd be wearing ref or roller gear to play a game on ice. My Warrior Covert Pro pants are my favorite pants by far, so I was psyched to get these. Puh. I may not even bother to try them on again.
I've been a girdle guy since the Cooperall days. I still have them and if they fit I'd wear them in a heartbeat. Even my quirky Easton Synergy pro stock girdle works pretty well. My Reebok 9k girdle is brilliant. Like having total protection while wearing nothing. These Alphas feel like just the nothing part. I bought these from Pro Stock Hockey, who say that "If The Pros Don't Wear It, We Don't Sell It. I'm tellin yuh. They aint no pros wearing these. Oh, maybe for stick and puck drill days.