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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/14 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Ok, guys, come on... he's had a bad enough time of it already, can we just stop giving him sh-t about this now?
  2. 2 points
    I know, it stinks, but number one, I'd really like to see where it goes, and number two, I hope it ends well. (I see it looks like it will. Hooray.)
  3. 2 points
    My new babies. These were my old Makos (was given a new pair for Christmas). Won't be playing Roller Hockey with them, but they make for a good workout in between lectures. :D A bud of mine managed to yank the chassis off my X40Rs and crank 'em on the Makos for free. Considering putting a Powerslide Road Hog brake on it.
  4. 1 point
    Septic backed up last night. Best case, frost in the ground under our drainfield and rapid thaw this past week caused it to back up. Worst case, our drainfield is screwed and we have to replace it. On the bright side, I know it's not the tank because we just had it pumped this summer.
  5. 1 point
    Do you have any experience with Sprung/Tuuk Rocker? If so, please comment Also, where did you buy Marsblade? Can you give specific areas where you see improvement (e.g take off, acceleration while in motion, turns, stops). What is it made of? I am used to Rocker and Hi-Lo, but always looking for an edge to push limits. Thanks
  6. 1 point
    After being unemployed since new year I got accepted to a plumber school today. If everything goes according to plan I'll graduate in November with a good chance of getting employed fast. I'll also get to study with full union money plus additional expense compensation, which is nice!
  7. 1 point
    Standard - so in between the two.

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