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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Talking US and Canada. I was in medical device development for 20 years very familiar with the IP challenges in China and some other countries, but you still can’t just violate IP by producing in China, being based in China, etc, and importing to another country who enforces IP. Sure you can sell ripped off stuff IN China, not what we are discussing.
  2. 1 point
    Icewarehouse has a video on youtube that talks about the FT3 Pro along with the new p90TM curve.
  3. 1 point
    You can do lots of things, doesn’t mean it’s a legal and sustainable business plan.
  4. 1 point
    Who is going to do that? And not sure that gets you around anything, it's just a secondary operation to produce an infringing product. You can't get around IP just by being based in another country.
  5. 1 point
    Yeah but the size of the market for folks willing to swap holders to access your steel is hundreds of times smaller than the size of the market of folks willing to use your steel on their factory CCM or Bauer skates.
  6. 1 point
    Got some Warriors made to match the Stars Winter Classic gloves.
  7. 1 point
    It will be interesting as you would think that for short duration things like starts and quick changes of direction you would want no absorption of energy because you are looking to maximize the force curve. But there could be circumstances such as other skating scenarios where you could leverage that springlike effect. Kind of like how powerlifting bars are stiff and weightlifting bars have a bit of spring in them.
  8. 1 point
    I think Marsblade and Bladetech are on to something, essentially adding a suspension system of sorts to hockey skates. Every other sports manufacturer has incorporated some type of system to either decrease the shock impact of striking the ground or developed a solution to help propel the athlete. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/13/upshot/nike-vaporfly-next-percent-shoe-estimates.html Hockey and ice skating are obviously not the same as running but I think there is obviously merit to the work these companies are doing, especially with such limited funding compared to a corporation like Nike. I have no doubt in the next 5-10 years we will see significant developments made in the way skates, steel, and holders interact with the player's mechanics and ice. My biggest issue with the MB is specifically the weight penalty didn't seem to outweigh, no pun intended, the benefits.
  9. 1 point
    $20 Play it Again score.
  10. 1 point
    Player Background: Beer leaguer. I play on two teams. One is C division as a forward and the other is in E division where I get to play defense. As a forward I look to move the puck to the more skilled players as quickly as I can. Puck feel and being able to shoot and load the puck quickly are critically important to me. I have been playing with the CCM Tacks line since it debuted. I fell in love with the P46 curve as it had enough curve for me to cradle and handle the puck but the lie was flatter than the P92 I had been using for years. The last few Tack’s variants however have changed a lot and I was less and less happy with them. I had always loved True sticks back when I was using a P92 and then I saw this stick on Sideline Swap…. A True A6.0 P46 pro stock (Cody Glass). I hemmed and hawed not being sure it was exact and then took the plunge and bought it. It is an exact clone! I am now using this as my go to stick and have sold off part of my stock of CCMs! P46 75 Flex Grip Blade/Feel: For me being able to feel the piuck on my stick and pick head up with confidence is critically important. This stick does the job as good or better as anything I have tried before. Puck feel on the blade is quickly transmitted up to your hands and you really know where on the blade the puck is. This provides me with more confidence than ever. The blade is also really stiff and the puck flys off and arrives on target. Receiving passes is also great. The foam core in the blade softens impact nicely. I have read some reviews that were concerned about blade durability, but I have a lot of play on this stick and the blade has neither chipped, split or deadened. The only caveat here is that because this is pro-stock I am not sure I have the standard blade. Comparing it to retail sticks I have seen and played with it appears to be, but I cannot be 100% sure. Score: 10/10 Shaft/Flex: We all know that this is True’s bread and butter and this is no different. The design aesthetics are pleasing. Subtle blues, greys and black on blacks. Really nice. This is a grip stick as all seem to be these days but it is not very grippy. Feels nice. The shaft loads up quickly and easily and fires pucks cleanly at the net. Its not the very best shaft I have ever used – that’s reserved for my dear, departed Miken. That said, energy transfer is superb and I really love the way this shoots. Wrist shots and slappers are all on par with some of the best I have shot. Release is just as quick as many low kicks too. A lot of my shots are off balance (because I am often off balance!!) and this stick allows me to shoot well from every situations. Score: 9/10 Weight: This stick weighs in at 415g and that’s fairly light to begin with. But when you compare it side by side to other sticks in the same weight class it feels MUCH lighter. The answer, of course, is balance and True has totally nailed it! Score: 10/10 Shooting: Shots fly off the stick. Accurate and hard is something I would struggle with and this stick really provides me with improvements in bit categories. The stiff blade and responsive and the mid kick shaft flexes where your lower hand is. I find the release quick and the loaded shaft transferring power well leading to accurate, hard shots. Score: 9/10 Durability: Again, I read some reviews with complaints but my blade has held up really well. I have some white scrape lines on the lower shaft near the blade but that’s it. The shaft is beast mode strong and while the weight of the stick and blade make me feel that it might snap it never has. I’ve got lots of play on this stick and it’s still going real strong. Score: 10/10 Verdict: This stick is up there with one of my favorite sticks of all time. I am so happy with the A6.0 SBP that I am selling off my CCM stock. Never thought that would happen. Final Score: 9.5/10
  11. 1 point
    I heard that a few NHL equipment managers have seen the new Bauer steel and commented "It’s nowhere close to being as good as STEP." I guess we will see how things play out.
  12. 1 point
    I'm still a little skeptical. In the video above, Johansson is fawning over how great they are - yet he hasn't switch to use them. That to me signals a disconnect. Would Marsblade need to pay an NHL licensing fee or since their is no branding, would the be exempt? I guess if they have to pay the fee and don't currently have the cash, that could explain the disconnect. On another note - do the sound like t-blades to anyone else?
  13. 1 point
    I was just coming to comment about the similarities between this and the Bladetech steel (that supposedly a handful of Caps players are using). I actually just ordered a set of Bladetech blades for myself, their propaganda about being good for people with bad knees sold me on them (have had a full ACL replaced on one leg and the other knee is far from 100%, old age has def caught up with me) , also I was just intrigued with the whole concept. Once I get them and try them I'll make sure to attempt a review of some sorts.

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