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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. That's awesome! I hope your team plays boring defensive trap hockey too, for authenticity.
  2. A Zuc One95 and an APX pro. Take care of those! Especially the former!
  3. There's nothing 'pro stock' about those blacked out sticks. They are literally generics! You can order batches yourself online.
  4. It's as close as you can get with CCM.
  5. Not to contradict your perception, but that's not what CCM went for. You're the first to say that the P92 is almost identical to the P87A. Consider angle of viewing, tape, shadows etc.
  6. P29 is very similar to the P92/E3/W03 etc., not like the P87. It's rather close to P87A and P19 RNH though, just deeper. P19 is the same exact curve as P87A. Not really answering your end question, so hopefully someone else will chime in, but I hoped to help clarify some of the differences.
  7. Do you Mako users leave the top lace undone? I've always done so with high end skates for necessary ankle forward flex and I've tried that briefly with demo Mako 2s. Was wondering if this still offers the same benefit in the long run?
  8. Anyone have a chance to go over the stick line yet? Some stores have them all out on the floor. The CX feels...clunky. Not terrible, but not as well balanced as I've come to expect from top-end sticks. Not really blade-heavy as much as it is lower half heavy. The CXT felt terrible, even worse balance. The 7.0 at $100 feels like a winner; fantastically balanced. I didn't shoot/stick-handle with any of them, but I've heard mixed reviews about those aspects as well.
  9. I have a pair that I'll try molding with my RBZs. I haven't heard of any compatibility issues, so I suppose the only way for me to know is to try it!
  10. Speaking of which, how's the progress on that skate guide?
  11. Aha what's with the marker scribbles?
  12. What are those gloves on the top left with the diamond? Don't think I've ever seen those.
  13. Awesome, thanks. Looking forward to your feedback. The one testimonial that I've heard wasn't overly positive.
  14. Easton staff deal? :O
  15. Their Stealth stick lineup is a bit weird. Why have both the CXT and CX ST? Why even have the ST at all? Too many price-points perhaps...
  16. I'm considering the Mako 2 skate. If this new 2016 skate is the next generation of that style, I would be very intrigued, even if it were called Synergy.
  17. What's this Mako M7 skate? Downspec'd M8 with less heat moldability and a softer build? Anyone know the price point for it? JR, do you know if next year's skate will be a Mako or a Stealth?
  18. No to all of your questions and yes it's a multiple impact material. More info on d3O website
  19. No I didn't, my store doesn't have them. I'll try them on somewhere else to see.
  20. So I've tried on the QR Pro gloves and I must say...I'm very disappointed. Palm felt stiff and...papery, not thin per se but it's not as soft and supple as other competing Nash palms on other high end gloves. The worst part was the way the thumb fit. The angle of the thumb was cut such that it was actually pushing in my thumb at the base of the knuckle, where thumb meets palm. Very uncomfortable.
  21. No, you'll still likely have luck fitting into the Ribcors. It is confusing for sure, but the overall shape of the Reebok/Ribcor generation is comparatively more similar to each other than to, say RBZ or Tacks.
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