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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. Wouldn't it be the opposite, as bending back from a forward lean position would have it push down into the pants? Those kidney sections already come up really high it seems, don't they Krev?
  2. That too, I'm a fan of DIY, those thoughts always jump out first lol
  3. Yeah I really hated the liner and hopefully it softens up for you. You can always swap out or cover up that liner with a different material if you like. The straps used to be a common feature, wish more pads had them.
  4. I don't normally show off, but yesterday's purchases had me over the moon! Vapor XXX Lite Jason Blake pro stock. 77 flex with a curve that's similar to the PM9 with a slightly shorter blade, slightly higher lie and slightly deeper mid pocket. Decided to check out a local SFS's Black Friday sale, not really looking to buy anything. Was absolutely floored by these Eric Staal 4Rolls. Completely unexpected. He's been my absolute favorite player of all time since I started following hockey! The shop also had Jordan's Penguins 4Rolls (too large for me at 15"), Leafs, Canucks, Oilers, Phoenix and a couple pairs of those Rangers 4Rolls with the added back roll padding. Amazing finds!
  5. Welcome! Great gloves and helmet. Stick around here long enough and you'll be wanting to upgrade everything, be careful!
  6. I don't get the point of buying pro stock items for personal use if they don't fit or if the specs are wrong (like for sticks). If you can't use them properly and comfortably, what's the point? To look cool? Not to pick on anyone in particular, just an opinion from observation.
  7. Those retail higher end 4Rolls (tan Nash palms I think) were really stiff lol.
  8. I was implying that point, though I haven't heard of anything outstanding on those memory pads and not having a pair, wouldn't really know how long it would take or if it really works. If I can get a new pair of CL gloves for cheap though, I'd like to bake them as well and try.
  9. I wonder if you could bake gloves as you would in a skate oven and wear them fists curled for about 5 min to really take minimize some break in time and to take advantage of those memory foam cushions in the T1 fingers...
  10. Refusing to put out a product that doesn't meet standards and values of the company. Completely understandable and commendable!
  11. Those are for the Jr Kings that Easton has been showing off in their recent promo videos. Not a bad deal for $90, especially for that colorway!
  12. Can't really tell from the last picture, but is there foam backing the plastic?
  13. Another remarkable conversation I had with a customer the other day: I was helping these two Arab fellows (one dressed in more traditional cultural clothing and the significance of which follows, don't care what race people are) with sticks and a new visor and while in the pro shop counter installing the gentleman's visor for him, another customer (Caucasian) comes looking for a skate sharpening, in which our tech at the time takes in. He then strikes up a conversation with me, "Hey, are you as nervous as I am? ..." Baffled, I ask him what he meant and he replies with "Straight ahead of you...aren't you nervous? I'm kind of scared..." I look up and see the two guys I was helping. The conversation continued with him saying how our city (one of the fastest growing in Canada, large influx of immigrant populations) has gotten 'worse' and that he directly implied that it was the fault of the growing Middle Eastern and South Asian (combined roughly 23% of the city's pop.) communities. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the underlying racist and anti-Islamic theme he was putting out. I didn't say much; what could you realistically say to a customer like that? While he was pleasant enough to my co-workers and I, it seemed to me that that was, ironically, a great example of the closet racist. Pleasant and functional on the outside only. It's from perspectives like his where hate crime comes from and I'm sure there are many more who share his sentiments.
  14. They've changed the 'Stealth' fit with the RS as opposed to previous S15s and S17s. New definition. I find the RSs closer to Supreme than old Stealths.
  15. Agreed, make sure to stock up on thread too!
  16. I assume standard skate convectional oven, correct? I'm reading about people baking them at home as well and am kind of confused.
  17. Do you think IW jumped the gun once again? Or collectively and not only them?
  18. Yes sir. The ladies get more of that than I do though to be honest.
  19. Hey, you know what the real kicker is? He was Asian.
  20. Went to fit a guy up for full CCM U+CL protective (came in targeting those), greeted him and the first thing he says to me is "Do you really know what you're doing?" I get that sometimes, it's easy to judge based on race and I'm not bothered by it so I smile and say (with an intended hint of uncertainty of course ) "Umm, well... I guess we'll find out." Went through a good fitting, got all sizes down and everything. Explained U Foam, talked about the fit characteristics of CCM gear, explained the weight difference between the price-points, explained the difference b/w NHL-criteria and retail pads and even had to explain to him that the CS pants were NOT made for defensemen. Upon cashing out he admits to me that he didn't think an Asian person would know about hockey equipment. I think this is the first time anyone's ever admitted that to my face, though for some customers, I can always tell if they immediately show some apprehension based on who I am. For all of those customers however, they'll leave happily surprised. Not something that keeps me awake at night by any means, but stuff you expect for people. Hockey's a middle-upper class Caucasian sport.
  21. Sweet find, you can definitely see the soft caps, bicep guard and collar piece. Won't be able to find those at retail.
  22. Probably the camera angle; that threw me off!
  23. The lies on those sticks are pretty extreme lol
  24. That belongs framed in a mancave
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