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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by AIREAYE

  1. What kind of material is that wex? I know it's not, but it looks to be a wool-like fibre.
  2. WOW! That looks absolutely AMAZING
  3. I feel that Easton does the trick when Bauer or Reebok doesn't fit; it's like an inbetween. It's great and all but this doesn't need it's own thread; better posting in the Show It Off page edit : thread moved, thank you mods :)
  4. Haha Scotty is just too nice for his own good don't be so hard on him
  5. Starting classes today... at NOON :D (dunno if this should be a vent but w/e) after a cheer and alcohol fueled Frosh Week
  6. This. We can't even begin to imagine what it was like. Respects.
  7. You gotta talk to people too, get some of it off and out. They don't have to give advice, just be there to listen. Just gotta talk to someone you can trust :)
  8. Moving in tomorrow :D Frosh week after :D
  9. Player : 5'9" 130 lbs Skates : Easton S15 8.5 W Size : D (7-8) Overview: One product in a whole line of supportive footbeds by Superfeet, the Yellow version was made specifically for skates. This product, first and foremost, is not designed ot be an arch support, but rather, a heel support product. Although there is an arch structure built in, it is designed to allow your foot to assume a more natural position for better energy transfer and you will notice that it is placed a bit further back than where most arches in feet are. Superfeet is designed to help reduce or eliminate pronation and supination, or the torquing of the leg. By adding support for your heel, Superfeet is supposed to optimize the position of your foot so that with every push/stride, the energy is transfered to the skate more and not lost in pronation/supination. Better comfort and performance should thus result. Fit: Perfectly fitted and trimmed. Easy to slide into the skate and for the duration of the skate, the footbed stays in place as expected. Noticed that it because a bit loose after I took the skates off, but is a non-issue. As long as you are properly fitted for Superfeet (see : http://www.modsquadh...izing-question/ ) this should be a 10. 9.5/10 Comfort: While walking around with Superfeet in or even standing in place with them, I noticed discomfort on my arch with the irritation shooting into my leg. This is absolutely expected as the force of every step is transferred directly through the footbed and into the skate. Once skating however, this becomes non-existent simply due to the different motions. A minor annoyance you might find going to and from the dressing room but let's face it; you're not going to be walking on ice 9/10 Performance: Simply put, this is perhaps the best gear related purchase I have ever made; next to my skates. The benefits of Superfeet might vary from person to person and as such for me; I could safely say that it has significantly improved my skating and agility. Since the heel is supported and my heel/foot no longer slips around slightly in the boot; every stride and push is transferred directly to the skate. I noticed that I fall down and lose my edges less while I go down putting all weight on one leg for example. Significant improvement in edge control while doing pivots, backwards crossovers and sharp turns. This product has literally improved my skating 10/10 Final thoughts: I would recommend this product to anyone above the beginner skater level and while it will improve your support; its effects may not be as drastic compared to mine. Make sure that you are fitted properly when purchasing. You should rebake your skates with Superfeet in them as it changes the position of your arch slightly and lifts up your heel a bit as well. just make sure that they do not go into the oven with the skates. Phenomenal product. edit : Hockey World Blog has been kind enough to credit this review to their own! It seems that Matt (if you're reading this, thanks!) had a great experience with them too : http://www.hockeywor...-yellow-review/
  10. Had some moving company pickup truck speed past us last night. We were doing 40 on a 40 road... in our own residential neighborhood by the way, so forgive me for doing the speed limit. Was so angry that I stopped and let him know exactly who lives here, don't effin' speed in MY neighborhood, where kids play in road hockey in their driveways and families take walks to the park! Sad thing is, there was an accident in a previous stretch of that road with fatalities involving a vehicle. I saw EMS cordon off that house a few days ago and bouquets of flowers and teddy bears underneath the lamppost... These people are despicable, if you want to speed, do it elsewhere with no one around. Don't endanger the innocents around you.
  11. Keep going, and give it more time; learn to enjoy the little things in life again :D
  12. Are the Sedin gloves 14 or 13"? Nice Luxes btw :)
  13. As long as you're paying for the change, I don't see any reason why you would feel guilty :) It's like going for sharpenings at a place where you didn't buy skates from.
  14. Hmm, but you consider asking for a discount, then accepting a refusal to be bartering then?
  15. I have no problem with someone asking for a discount, it's not easy to earn money after all and one should try to save when they can. However if a store employee says no, then drop it; simple as that. We gave a small discount to a guy for a pair of Syko pants that had a little scuff on them, not common practise but a courtesy given how they were already heavily marked down and the guy was buying other stuff too. There were a few guys who went as far as asking our own guys for use of their employee discount, which is a pretty substantial thing in itself. That however, is stepping on the line, especially since we don't even know you As wrangler said, it's common for larger purchases as mentioned
  16. haha we had a lighting failure at our rink once in the middle of shinny, it felt so surreal playing in near darkness great to get back into the community :)
  17. Yeah I absolutely agree with you Chadd, these are ideas that mean a lot to me. I also understand that (hell, I've been through a lot of that) that people WILL change and that tats are (basically) permanent that will be there forever. That's why I figure I'll think about it some more before seriously considering it. I want this tat to be relevant my whole life and not just for now. Something along the lines of : "No Regrets" or longer with "Live with with no regrets, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted" And a lyric with Go Radio's 'Why I'm Home' : "When what we love we burn, it's from the ashes that we yearn to be the phoenix that rises up from the flames" (I can just imagine the epicness of this one is I want to add an illustration w/color ) Would some artists be annoyed with longer text requests like the latter 2 I posted?
  18. What do you guys think about getting a text-only (stylized obviously) tattoo, like a song lyric or a personal motto?
  19. :) Alcohol doesn't help with anything, that much I know
  20. Stay strong bud, even though it doesn't look it right now, there is that light at the end of the tunnel :) If there ever is some sort of afterlife, or a place where memories and consciences exist after passing; they will be forever grateful for all that you've given. You're a good person dude, I don't know you but I can say that for sure.
  21. Which player? Or were they just a trial pair?
  22. is the goalie gear yours (as in, do you play goal often)? It looks great btw good editing work. How do you like the Woodrow?
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